Current research projects

In the last five years, DCSE members have taken part in the projects of the Czech Science Agency (GA ČR), Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Ministry of Education (MŠMT), and Ministry of Industry and Trade (MPO). Furthermore, we participate in European projects within the 6th Framework Programme (6FP) and European Social Fund (ESF). You can find more details on past projects on the Web sites of individual research groups.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering participates in the project of the European Centre of Excellence NTIS (New Technologies for the Information Society) in the form of the research program P2: Advanced computer and information systems.


Overview of current projects:

Projects starting in the year 2025

Coordinate-based representation of time-varying meshes

Principal investigator: Doc. Ing. Libor Váša, Ph.D.
Project number: 25-16495K
Duration: 1. 4. 2025 - 31.3.2028
Grantor: GA ČR

Annotation: Current 3D capture technology acquires moving objects with high quality. However, theresulting data is temporally incoherent, since each frame is treated separately duringreconstruction, giving sequences of triangle meshes with changing connectivity, known as timevaryingmeshes (TVMs). While TVMs can model topology changes, it is very hard to establishcorrespondences between the individual frames, which is important for downstream tasks likecompression and editing. This project aims to overcome this limitation by investigating twonovel coordinate-based representations of TVMs. First, we will explore the use of barycentriccoordinates to describe the TVMs relative to a dynamic cage, which is itself a polyhedral meshof constant connectivity chosen such that it approximates the shape of the TVM in each frame.Second, we will study the use of geodesic distance coordinates with respect to a certain set ofpoints with time-invariant position relative to the observed shape. These coordinates areparticularly useful for objects that undergo near-isometric deformations.

Projects starting in the year 2024

Vývoj nových řešení pro chytrou sdílenou péči a rozvoj kvality v sociálních službách

Principal investigator: Mgr. Jakub Žákavec (DSS)
Investigator: Ing. Martin Dostal, Ph.D.
Project number: CZ.01.01.01/01/22_002/0000471
Duration: 01.03.2024 - 30.6.2025
Grantor: MPO, OP TAK
Budget overall: 24 584 226 Kč

Annotation: Cílem projektu je výzkum a vývoj nových postupů s využitím inteligentních a chytrých asistivních nástrojů pro podporu sdílené péče v oboru sociálních služeb.
Detail projektu

Projects starting in the year 2023

Applied exoskeleton research for use in rehabilitation - ExRe

Principal investigator: Doc. Ing. Roman Mouček, Ph.D.
Project number: BYCZ01-007
Duration: 1.9.2023 - 31.8.2026
Grantor: INTERREG Bavorsko -Česko

Annotation: The project develops collaborative research capabilities in the field of applied research, focusing on the development of a state-of-the-art lower limb exoskeleton prototype for rehabilitation purposes using innovations in design, construction technologies, 3D printing and brain-computer interface (conversion of brain signals into limb movement). The project also strengthens joint research capacity for technology transfer in the rehabilitation and prosthetic fields (lower limb trauma patients, stroke patients, etc.). The project will be implemented by a consortium of partners through a multidisciplinary research team. The partners will collaborate on all activities, share research knowhow and use common research capacities in line with RIS3 and High-Tech Agenda priorities. These are the research teams of THD Deggendorf/TC Cham, GC Bad Kötzting, TC Hutthurm and ZČU in Pilsen (Faculty of Health Studies, Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art, Faculty of Applied Sciences and Faculty of Mechanical Engineering/RTI. The project will also involve 5 associated partners from practice, which will enable testing of the prototype exoskeleton on a selected group of patients. The project has a strong innovative potential, and its outputs may find application in the application sphere of small and medium-sized enterprises focused on rehabilitation and prosthetics in the Czech-Bavarian region.

See also project details on research group page.

Data compression paradigm based on omitting self-evident information – COMPROMISE

Principal investigator: Prof. Dr. Ing. Ivana Kolingerová; Borut Žalik (Fakulty of Electrical Engeneering and Computer Science, University of Maribor, Slovenia)
Project number: 23-04622L
Duration: 1.1.2023 - 31. 12. 2025
Grantor: GAČR

Annotation: The COMPROMISE project intends to develop a new data compression methodology that will be largely domain-independent, asymmetric, and suitable for lossless, near-lossless, and lossy compression using a single channel of procedures. Domain independence will be achieved by arranging domain-dependent features into a unique domain-independent taxonomy. In the encoder’s pipeline, the domain-dependent feature detection will be followed by the domainindependent feature selection, residual determination, and data compression processes, while the decoder will consist of the domain-independent data expansion followed by the domaindependent data restoration. This concept will allow compressed data to store information about multilevel relationships in the data, thereby increasing the reusability of the data at different semantic levels. The concept will be verified on raster images, digital audio, biomedical signals, and sparse voxel data.

See also project details on research group page.

Projects starting in the year 2021

Therapeutic rehabilitation robot controlled by brain signals

Principal investigator: Dr. Jaroslav Moravec (FOTON, s.r.o.)
Investigator: Ing. Pavel Mautner, Ph.D.
Project number: FW03010025
Duration: 1. 1. 2021 - 30. 6. 2025
Grantor: TA ČR – FW – Program Trend

Annotation: The main goal of the project will be to develop a therapeutic rehabilitation robot in which the process of re-education of the patient's upper limb momentum will be controlled directly through signals from his brain using a brain-computer interface (BCI). The developed robot will also use information from position, force and torque sensors, which will enable optimal rehabilitation of limb momentum by the robot and will also provide diagnostic validation of the treatment process. In addition to the above attributes, the robot will excel in the possibilities of Internet connectivity, full use of the possibilities of virtual reality and the principles of artificial intelligence will be applied in its control. It will also include an intelligent diagnostic system with the help of which it will be possible to objectively assess the success of therapy and optimize it.

See also project details on research group page.


Aktualizováno 2022-05-23 11:50:59