
118 items were found. The software is available according to the following agreements:

#NameSizeLicenseYearNumber of downloads
1.Software for motor imagery detection3.7 MBGNU-GPL20241
2.System for automated search and download of contract terms30 kBKIV-ZCU-EULA20224
3.BrainIn - Online software system for neurorehabilitation34.2 MBKIV-ZCU-EULA20229
4.Software for automatic creation and publication of news texts within stock exchange news391 kBKIV-ZCU-EULA20216
5.Functional sample - Nástroj pro vyhledávání a analýzu faktů339 kBKIV-ZCU-EULA20219
6.Software library for extracting descriptors and for encrypting and storing records1 kBKIV-ZCU-EULA20215
7.Open workflow for processing of standardized electroencephalography data9.9 MBGNU-GPL20213
8.Data corpus for Hand movement detection from EEG data1468.2 MBGNU-GPL20205
9.Python scripts for the P300 processing and classification784 kBGNU-GPL201915
10.LSSDD - Linguistically structured software query database6.3 MBASL20198
11.Motol HNC database10 MBGNU-GPL201921
12.CHMD - Cholt Muscle Decomposition24 MBKIV-ZCU-EULA201712
13.BodyInNumbers - Software Prototype for Rapid Collection and Storage of Heterogeneous Health Related Data71.5 MBGNU-GPL201710
14.Simulator of distributed file system2.7 MBGNU-GPL201711
15.KIVFS - distributed file system949 kBGNU-GPL20178
16.Triangle mesh curvature estimation bechmark5.7 MBGNU-GPL20162
17.Web application for voice records annotation3.6 MBGNU-GPL20167
18.Corpus simulating updates of software libraries API154 kBASL20164
19.Timeline visualisation tool4.7 MBGNU-GPL201612
20.Overlay network routing simulator with traffic prediction14.1 MBGNU-GPL20163
21.Sparkle – Enriched Graphical SPARQL Query Builder10.2 MBGNU-GPL20153
22.EEGbase - portal for management of electrophysiological experiments141.9 MBGNU-GPL201532
23.eGIS - tool for determining a transformation key814 kBKIV-ZCU-EULA20154
24.P300 data validator64.6 MBGNU-GPL20146
25.Framework for generation of odML templates from relational database1067 kBASL20141
26.Distributed Urban Traffic Simulator DUTS2.1 MBGNU-GPL20137
27.Editor for Distributed Urban Traffic Simulator DUTS1418 kBGNU-GPL20132
28.Maven Compatibility Checking Plugin for 3rd Party Libraries29 kBGNU-GPL20131
29.Mobile version of EEG/ERP Portal for android platform6 MBASL20132
30.AutoFaceRec - Automatic Face Recognition System341 kBGNU-GPL20136
31.Tool for supporting semantic annotation of documents KIM-OWLImport6 MBASL20135
32.Brain Infarction Core Delineator16.9 MBCC-BY-NC-S20121
33.Medical Meta Data Extraction and Manipulation Tool17.8 MBGNU-GPL20121
34.Automatic Statistic and Metric Analysis Tool for ANSI C Source Code545 kBCC-BY-NC-S20126
35.Cache Simulator10.4 MBGNU-GPL201261
36.Computing Dual Structure of 3D Additively Weighted Voronoi Diagram3.6 MBGNU-GPL20129
37.JHeightMap - Java 3D visualization module for height maps46 kBCC-BY-NC-S20123
38.Semantic Framework56.8 MBGNU-GPL20121
39.EEG Data Processor - Framework for Running Signal Processing Methods40 MBGNU-GPL20122
40.EEG/ERP Data Clustering Tool14.5 MBGNU-GPL20123
41.Stimulation protocol and data for diagnosing developmental coordination disorder657.7 MBGNU-GPL20126
42.Doc Classifier - tool for automatic document classification10.5 MBGNU-GPL20129
43.Software for the retrieval of bibliographic data from Web of Science102 kBCC-BY-NC-S20124
44.Automatic Face Corpus Creator - tool for automatic face corpus creation315 kBGNU-GPL20125
45.Muscle Wrapping Simulation117 MBCC-BY-NC-S201110
46.SIFT Face Recognizer10.9 MBGNU-GPL20115
47.Extra-functional properties Storage System36.6 MBGNU-GPL20111
48.A toolset for assigning and evaluating extra-functional properties18.7 MBGNU-GPL20112
49.Visuailzator of component applications ComAV25.6 MBGNU-GPL20111
50.ExtendedJenaBean - Tool for transformation of OO code into OWL18.3 MBGNU-GPL20111
51.Annotation tool for data classes14.8 MBGNU-GPL20112
52.Library of statistical methods for EEG/ERP experiments3.7 MBGNU-GPL20115
53.EEG data formats converting tool522 kBGNU-GPL201121
54.Java2SemanticWeb - Tool for transforming data and metadata to the Semantic Web resources23.6 MBGNU-GPL20112
55.eegdsp - library for EEG signal processing1.4 MBGNU-GPL20115
56.Software for analyzing Web of Science data 498 kBCC-BY-NC-S20114
57.IntervalOp634 kBGNU-GPL20115
58.Tools for anonymous unstructured medical data and image2.6 MBGNU-GPL20111
59.Software modules for design and run of EEG/ERP experiments15.9 MBGNU-GPL20113
60.Compression of Group of Similar Images4.8 MBCC-BY-NC-S20102
61.Tool for computing average faces34.5 MBCC-BY-NC-S20102
62.Dynamic Mesh Compression Toolkit11 MBCC-BY-NC-S20104
63.Constrained Delaunay triangulation159 kBCC-BY-NC-S20108
64.Blender 3D Modelling - stereoscopic version43.9 MBGNU-GPL20104
65.Software for analyzing DBLP and CiteSeer data1.9 MBCC-BY-NC-S20101
66.LINGVO Named Entity Recognizer17.8 MBGNU-GPL20101
67.Mobile agents for processing EEG/ERP signals1006 kBGNU-GPL20102
68.Portal of EEG experiments20.1 MBGNU-GPL20105
69.Jerpa - Integration of signal processing methods37.1 MBGNU-GPL20103
70.Tool for automatic transfer of relational database into semantic web resources DBTransformer41.6 MBGNU-GPL20102
71.Tool for stimuli presentation in neuroinformatics experiments PreSti4.9 MBGNU-GPL20101
72.Software tool for categorization of words from Czech-written documents7.9 MBGNU-GPL20102
73.JALM - Java Advanced Language Models469 kBCC-BY-NC-S20102
74.Medical Data De-Identification Tool7.8 MBGNU-GPL20104
75.Medical Data Retrieval from Hospitals Over Encrypted Connection396 kBGNU-GPL20101
76.OpenGL for .NET782 kBGNU-GPL20109
77.Volumetric Data Subtraction Analyser924 kBCC-BY-NC-S20103
78.OBVS - OSGi Bundle Versioning Service8.8 MBCC-BY-NC-S20102
79.Tool for creating associative database1012 kBGNU-GPL20102
80.Oracle XML Schema Register2.6 MBCC-BY-NC-S20102
81.Automatic Speaker Recognition Toolkit91.9 MBGNU-GPL201019
82.Software for comparing models MeshTest118.1 MBCC-BY-NC-S20101046
83.jDALabeler - tool for dialog act corpus labeling17.9 MBGNU-GPL201012
84.Data Stream Hierarchical Clustering Library183 kBCC-BY-NC-S20095
85.A library for the construction of a dynamic regular and Delaunay tetrahedronization674 kBCC-BY-NC-S200928
86.Fine Commander1064 kBGNU-GPL200936
87.EuroSearch - Searching in Multilingual Environment1056 kBCC-BY-NC-S200934
88.ALMUS: Automatic text summarizer142 kBGNU-GPL20095
89.jSQLBenchmark6.9 MBCC-BY-NC-S20092
90.Smart Active Node4.7 MBGNU-GPL20091
91.SNIH/UP: Detecting Unauthorized Modification of HTTP Communication via Steganography196 kBGNU-GPL20094
92.Image Triangulation Interpolation1379 kBGNU-GPL20093
93.Tool for visualization and processing of EEG signals BrainStudio5 MBGNU-GPL20095
94.Web Services for Morphological Analysis3.7 MBGNU-GPL20092
95.LINGVO Annotation Manager2.4 MBGNU-GPL20091
96.A Tool for Plagiarism Detection in Written Text - SVDPlag v1.0899 kBCC-BY-NC-S200914
97.Compression of Image Based Delaunay Triangulation3.9 MBCC-BY-NC-S20095
98.Representation of images by the Delaunay triangulation3.6 MBCC-BY-NC-S20096
99.LTranscriber - a tool for segmentation, labeling and transcription of audio recordings610 kBCC-BY-NC-S20092
100.TriStats - Program for Triangulation Statistic Evaluation60 kBGNU-GPL20092
101.MivaCRUST - Software pro rekonstrukci povrchů geometrických objektů z množiny roztroušených bodů1.7 MBCC-BY-NC-S20093
102.SPOT - Dictionary of domain-specific terminology5.2 MBCC-BY-NC-S20088
103.JLASER - Automatic Speech Recognizer1.7 MBGNU-GPL20089
104.LINGVO Parser1158 kBGNU-GPL20084
105.Automated corpus recording collector LRecorder486 kBCC-BY-NC-S20083
106.MVE Stereorenderer Module 1163 kBCC-BY-NC-S20082
107.Stereoscopic Renderer for Paraview43.2 MBGNU-GPL20082
108.Facial expression recognition system ARFE31 kBCC-BY-NC-S20085
109.MVE-2: Modular Visualisation Environment 25.5 MBCC-BY-NC-S20086
110.Digital Holography Toolkit27.5 MBCC-BY-NC-S200889
111.Laser Burned Samples Explorer LaSE 11.2 MBGNU-GPL20083
112.Java Urban Traffic Simulator16.2 MBGNU-GPL200810
113.PLib: a library for computation in the projective space922 kBCC-BY-NC-S20082
114.Modules for processing medical data in DICOM format for MVE-2916 kBCC-BY-NC-S20084
115.Volume data analysis and iso-surface extraction for MVE-2906 kBCC-BY-NC-S20083
116.Automatic Bug Reporting Tool7.2 MBGNU-GPL20082
117.OSGi Bundle Compatibility Verifier6.3 MBCC-BY-NC-S20072
118.Teraman: A Tool for Word N-gram Extraction413 kBCC-BY-NC-S200714

Aktualizováno 2012-04-23 10:17:22