Principal investigator: S&T CZ s.r.o.
Investigator: Ing. Miloslav Konopík, Ph.D.
Project number: CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/21_374/0026768
Duration: 1. 12. 2021 - 31.5.2023
Grantor: MPO – OP PIK
Annotation: Výstupem projektu je vytvoření moderního webového Dokument Management Systému využívajícího prvky samoučící se uměl. inteligence a strojového učení zaměřené na využití neuronových sítí. Produkt se stane na trhu unikátní díky využití nejmodernějších technologií a nejnovějších poznatků z obl. sémantického vyhledávání a automatického zpracování přirozeného jazyka. Další technologií zvyšující konkurenční výhodu řešení bude technologie Blockchain, která se experimentálně propojí s biometrickým podpisem.
Principal investigator: Prof. Dr. Ing. Ivana Kolingerová
Project number: 21-08009K
Duration: 1. 3. 2021 - 29. 2. 2024
Grantor: GA ČR
Annotation: An object has symmetry if there is a transformation that maps the object onto itself (i.e., the object has an invariance under the given transformation). Symmetry detection became a challenging topic particularly in pattern recognition, computer vision, computer graphics, and geometric modelling, where it addresses problems such as object alignment, data compression, symmetrical editing, reconstruction of incomplete objects, or technical illustrations support. The proposed project plans to combine into one team three kinds of scientists: Computer scientists oriented to geometrical algorithms, computer scientists from the area of the Earth Observation data processing, and mathematicians oriented to geometric modelling and geometrical algorithms. The project goal is to bring new results according to hot topics in symmetries, mainly in generalized symmetries, exact and approximate projective equivalences; the integration of these results into semantic segmentation and object recognition enables to bring new results also in the Earth Observation data processing. Cíle projektu anglicky (vědecký záměr) Proposal of new and improvement of existing methods for: 1. Computation of generalized symmetries of geometric data 2. Computation of exact and approximate projective equivalences and symmetries 3. Integration of symmetries into semantic segmentation and object recognition in Earth Observation.
See also project details on research group page.
Principal investigator: Milan
Bartoň (Barton Studio s.r.o.)
Investigator: Ing. Martin Dostal, Ph.D.
Project number: CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/20_324/0023584
Duration: 1. 5. 2021 - 31. 1. 2023
Grantor: MPO, OP PIK
Annotation: The aim of the project is to start cooperation with the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, specifically with the Department of Informatics and Computer Science, which has extensive know-how in the field of software development and process optimization. As part of the project, we would like to innovate technologies and processes for the development of modern modular e-shop systems.
Principal investigator: ICZ a.s.
Investigator: Doc. Ing. Pavel Král, Ph.D.
Project number: CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/20_321/0024835
Duration: 1. 8. 2021 - 31. 5. 2023
Grantor: MPO – OP PIK
Annotation: With the cooperation of ICZ corp. we are developing the care reporting system - an intelligent assistant to support the coding and reporting of diagnoses, codes of performed procedures, provided drugs and medical devices. The aim is to use the methods of artificial intelligence and machine learning for analysis of medical documentation in the form of the unstructured text.
Principal investigator: Mgr.
Alžběta Krausová (LL.M., ÚSP AV ČR)
Investigator: Ing. Miloslav Konopík, Ph.D.
Project number: TL03000152
Duration: 1. 6. 2020 - 31. 12. 2023
Grantor: TA ČR
Annotation: The aim of this project is to define legal and regulatory conditions of fair protection of personal autonomy and the right to informational self-determination of an individual with regard to the use of artificial intelligence for the purposes of personalized news, advertisement and other type of content through the mass media; to define the best practices for creation and communication of personalized contents through mass media; and to provide to common users a freely available tool that will help them to exercise their right to personal autonomy and informational self-determination. The project will contribute to realization of some objectives defined in Chapter 6 of the National Artificial Intelligence Strategy of the Czech Republic.
See also project details on research group page.
Principal investigator: Ing.
Zuzana Žitná (Karlovarský kraj)
Investigator: Doc. Ing. Libor Váša, Ph.D.
Project number: CZ.02.3.68/0.0/0.0/19_078/0017823
Duration: 1. 9. 2020 - 31. 8. 2023
Grantor: MŠMT - OP VVV - PO 3
Annotation: ZČU se projektu účastní aktivitou Konzultace a podpora demonstrační laboratoře aplikované techniky. Cílem aktivity je odborná podpora při budování demonstrační laboratoře aplikované techniky poskytnutá pedagogickými pracovníky a studenty Západočeské Univerzity (ZČU), zejména Katedry informatiky a výpočetní techniky. Podpora se bude týkat v první řadě volby a výběru pořizovaného hardwaru, jeho uvedení do provozu a následně vytvoření podpůrných materiálů pro hlubší úrovně interakce. Tato aktivita má vazbu na aktivitu, kterou bude realizovat finanční partner Gymnázium Sokolov a Krajské vzdělávací centrum, příspěvková organizace.
See also project details on research group page.
Principal investigator: Doc. Ing. Libor Váša, Ph.D.
Project number: 20-02154S
Duration: 1. 1. 2020 - 31. 12. 2022
Grantor: GA ČR
Annotation: 3D polygon meshes are ubiquitous in many areas of science and technology. Besides static meshes, modern hardware also allows acquiring dynamic meshes, where shape and connectivity change over time. Many new applications can be built on this kind of data, however, their efficient representation and processing is an open problem that must be solved in order to exploit them to their full potential. Current approaches suffer from fundamental drawbacks, such as incorrect dealing with missing data in the case of temporary occlusion, necessity of resampling resulting in precision loss or inability to distinguish true and spurious topology changes. This project addresses these problems by employing computational techniques of discrete differential geometry. A compact model will be constructed with topology determined by analyzing the whole input sequence. The parameters of the model and its deformation will be optimized by minimizing an objective function that limits the influence of missing or misinterpreted input data. The proposed solution will be verified in multiple applications.
See also project details on research group page.
Principal investigator: Mgr. Jakub Žákavec (DSS)
Investigator: Ing. Martin Dostal, Ph.D.
Project number: CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/19_262/0020048; EG19_262/0020048
Duration: 01.09.2020 - 31.12.2022
Grantor: MPO, OP PIK
Annotation: Multidisciplinary research and development within the presented project is focused on a prototype of a modular and intelligent IS PAS (personal and assistance security system), which using artificial intelligence algorithms, big data, Internet of things and various smart HW elements can be used to provide and development of safe workplaces in various fields. An important part of solution development is its usability / applicability in practice and incorporating the requirements and expectations of future users. A necessary parameter of the developed solution is also price acceptability.
Using modern technologies, intelligent IS will enable the prevention of undesirable states / situations, monitoring and diagnostics of selected parameters of health and safety at work, and the SW part of the system uses artificial intelligence to evaluate stored data, analyze and submit solutions for employees and management. The synergistic effect occurs through the use of three factors - human, artificial intelligence and IoT. By connecting several physical hardware modules capable of transmitting data using network connectivity (IoT) with artificial intelligence, whose algorithms will be able to adapt to the environment and assess potential security risks, and a person who will bring experience and knowledge in the field of health and safety to the project. protection of workers' health and improvement of their working environment.
Principal investigator: Doc. Ing. Roman Mouček, Ph.D.
Project number: 191
Duration: 1. 4. 2019 - 31. 12. 2022
Annotation: The aim of the project is to improve the quality and effectiveness of neurorehabilitation procedures both in the acute phase of the disease and in the long-term home rehabilitation phase and to facilitate and accelerate the return of patients to a normal family, social and work life and further support their families. Targeted neurorehabilitation methods and procedures and current knowledge of information technologies (human-computer interfaces, web technologies, machine learning methods) are used for this purpose. The benefit of the project is the creation of new, original and individually differentiated technical and program tools for brain stimulation and methods of cognitive and motoric training with respect to individual patient needs.
The project is solved in collaboration with Asklepios Klinik Schaufling, Centrum pobytových a terénních sociálních služeb Zbůch, Das Bezirksklinikum Mainkofen, Donau-Isar Klinikum Deggendorf a Philipps-Universität Marburg.
See also project details on research group page.
Principal investigator: Mgr. Jakub Žákavec (DSS)
Investigator: Ing. Martin Dostal, Ph.D.
Project number: CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/17_176/0015556; EG17_176/0015556
Duration: 1. 9.2019 - 31. 12. 2021
Grantor: MPO, OP PIK
Annotation: Research and development of an automated sophisticated system to support care in social services, which with the use of artificial intelligence and assistive technologies enables the prevention of adverse conditions / situations, monitoring and diagnosis of selected parameters (eg location, food and drinking regime as part of lifestyle, body temperature, blood pressure, falls) and the proposal of variants of necessary measures for detected deviations of clients - seniors in institutional social care. The complex system will consist of a technological (HW) part and a SW solution.
Principal investigator: PhDr. Václav Moravec, Ph.D. et Ph.D. (Univerzita Karlova v Praze)
Investigator: Ing. Miloslav Konopík, Ph.D.
Project number: TL02000288
Duration: 1. 1. 2019 - 31. 12. 2021
Grantor: TA ČR
Annotation: The goal of the project is twofold. Within two years, it will develop and practically apply Artificial Intelligence (AI) editorial system of automated journalism in Czech. It will also research selected journalism ethics attributes related to the advent of AI, including a method of verification and authorisation of AI-generated content, an ethical conflict between velocity and accuracy, and redefinition of the role of journalists in the newsrooms that embrace automated journalism. Findings of this research will offer the instructions for practical application of AI editorial system into Czech media environment. These instructions will build on the principles of social responsibility and will provide an innovative method for journalism education in the Czech Republic.
See also project details on research group page.
Principal investigator: Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
Investigator: Doc. Ing. Přemysl Brada, MSc., Ph.D.
Project number: 783221
Duration: 1. 9. 2018 - 31. 8. 2021
Grantor: EC – H2020
Budget overall: 14.160.000 Kč
Budget WBU: 3 367 468 Kč
Annotation: Farming is facing many economic challenges in terms of productivity or cost-effectiveness, as well as an increasing labour shortage partly due to depopulation of rural areas. Current systems still have significant drawbacks in areas such as flexibility, efficiency, robustness, sustainability, high operator cost and capital investment. Furthermore, reliable detection, accurate identification and proper quantification of pathogens and other factors, affecting both plant and animal health, are critical to be kept under control so as to reduce economy expenditures, trade disruptions and even human health risks. AFarCloud provides a framework able to promote precision farming solutions, realized through the development of specialized Cyber Physical Systems and integration with other disciplines concerning data mining and analyses with agronomic protocols, by using not only new robotic platforms but also incorporating to the aforementioned framework the legacy systems already deployed in the farms. The AFarCloud project aims to make farming robots accessible to more users by: ?Enabling farming robots to work in a cooperative mesh, thus opening up new applications and ensuring re-usability, as no specialized vehicles are needed because heterogeneous standard vehicles can combine their capabilities ?Increasing the autonomy of farming robots and improving their usability AFarCloud achievements will be demonstrated in 2 field tests in both cropping (general horticulture, grass sub-scenario and seed potato sub-scenario) and livestock scenarios (food management and livestock movement control). AFarCloud outcomes will strength partners? market position boosting their innovation capacity and addressing industrial needs both at EU and international levels. The consortium represents the whole ICT-based farming solutions? value chain, including all key actors needed for the development, demonstration and future market uptake of the precision farming.
See also project details on research group page.
Principal investigator: Doc. Ing. Dalibor Fiala, Ph.D.
Project number: DTP2-076-1.1
Duration: 1.7.2018 - 30.6.2021
Grantor: Research program EK Interreg DANUBE
Annotation: The main objective of the project is to create a transnational innovation platform for efficient exploitation of available knowledge on patents, research and development. Key outputs are transnational KnowING innovation platform, linking innovation actors and pooling competences in knowledge retrieval and engineering, and a web service providing structured on-demand knowledge to SMEs, capacity building tools, and KnowING durability and transferability toolkit.
See also project details on research group page.
Principal investigator: Ing. Jiří Vacátko
Investigator: Doc. Ing. Přemysl Brada, MSc., Ph.D.; Doc. Ing. Pavel Král, Ph.D.
Project number: CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/17_048/0007267
Duration: 1. 1. 2018 - 30. 6. 2022
Grantor: MŠMT
Annotation: The project focuses on the research, development and experimental verification of intelligent components for the application areas of NIP II: Digital market technologies and NIP I: Advanced machines and technologies for a strong and competitive industry. The project will enhance the capabilities related to the technologies for Industry 4.0. Innovative solutions will be developed to improve robotic, control, diagnostic, management and monitoring technologies, and will be validated through consulting with industrial partners.
See also project details on research group page.
Principal investigator: Doc. Ing. Pavel Král, Ph.D.
Project number: 211
Duration: 1. 3. 2018 - 31. 8. 2021
Annotation: The main goal of this project is to make accessible archival resources from the Czech-Bavarian border region using state-of-the-art information technologies. It will be possible to search information based on geolocation. We also focus on a clear presentation and an effective search of the documents in a form of raster images. We further realize an intelligent full-text access to the printed documents in both Czech and German languages. The information will be available through an existing portal "Porta Fontium".
See also project details on research group page.
Principal investigator: Palaxo
Development s.r.o.
Investigator: Ing. Miloslav Konopík, Ph.D.
Project number: CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/17_107/0012507
Duration: 1. 5. 2018 - 31. 12. 2020
Grantor: MPO – OP PIK
Annotation: Cílem projektu je v rámci Experimentálního vývoje a Průmyslového výzkumu vyvinout SW řešení, které bude hardwarovými i softwarovými prostředky zajišťovat bezpečnou a důvěryhodnou multimodální identifikaci, autorizaci a verifikace osob, včetně souvisejících elektronických transakcí a podpisů s primárním zaměřením na zabezpečený oběh, podepisováni a verifikaci dokumentů a elektronických formulářů. Žadatel disponuje kvalitními experty a významnou přidanou hodnotu je účinná spolupráce se ZČU.
Tento projekt je součástí programu OP PIK - Operační program podnikání a inovace pro konkurenceschopnost.
See also project details on research group page.
Principal investigator: Ing. Miloslav Konopík, Ph.D.
Project number: CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/15_013/0004692
Duration: 1. 2. 2017 - 30.6.2018
Grantor: Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu
Annotation: Research, development and knowledge transfer in the field of analysis, indexing and searching of text data necessary for the implementation of a unique web based system for easy creation and management of structured documents. In collaboration with Contrisys, s.r.o.
This project is embodied in OP PIK - Operational Program for Competitiveness and Innovation.
Principal investigator: Doc. Ing. Roman Mouček, Ph.D.
Project number: INCF
Duration: 10.7.2017 - 31.10.2017
Grantor: INCF TSF
Principal investigator: Prof. Ing. Václav Skala, CSc.
Project number: 17-05534S
Duration: 1. 1. 2017 - 31. 12. 2019
Grantor: GA ČR - Grantová agentura České republiky
Annotation: Development of new methods for spatio-temporal scattered data interpolation and approximation in computer graphics.
See also project details on research group page.
Principal investigator: Prof. Dr. Ing. Ivana Kolingerová
Project number: 17-07690S
Duration: 1. 1. 2017 - 31. 12. 2019
Grantor: GA ČR - Grantová agentura České republiky
Annotation: Search for new methods for simulation and visualiztaion of a transport of a general ligand in dynamic proteins and evaluatiuon of the detected paths. The emthods will be based on a combination of robotic motion planning and a geometric space subdivision. The project joins research in the area of motion planning (CTU Prague), geometric models (UWB Pilsen) and visualizations (MU Brno).
See also project details on research group page.
Principal investigator: Doc. Ing. Pavel Král, Ph.D.
Project number: CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/15_013/0005092
Duration: 1. 2. 2017 - 31.12.2018
Grantor: Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu
Annotation: Research, development and transfer of knowledge in the frame of the creation of a new SW product with strategic importance for development of the society, which deals with document structuring and management, i.e. text recognition and indexing from scanned documents with the possibility of extended search using document content. In cooperation with SoftHouse, s.r.o.
This project is embodied in OP PIK - Operational Program for Competitiveness and Innovation.
Principal investigator: Ing. Martin Dostal, Ph.D.
Project number: CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/15_013/0004502
Duration: 1. 1. 2017 - 31. 8. 2018
Grantor: MPO – Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu
Annotation: Development of a full-featured WYSIWYG editor for WEB capable of replacing existing editors in collaboration with KadeL Data Service, s.r.o.
This project is embodied in OP PIK - Operational Program for Competitiveness and Innovation.
Principal investigator: PhDr.
Martin Prošek, Ph.D. (Ústav pro jazyk český AV ČR, v. v. i)
Investigator: Ing. Martin Dostal, Ph.D.; Ing. Martin Zíma, Ph.D.; Ing. Michal Nykl, Ph.D.
Project number: DG16P02B009
Duration: 1. 3. 2016 - 31. 12. 2019
Grantor: MKČR
Annotation: The main goal of this project is to make a unique linguistic material consisting of questions asked to the language consulting centre of the Institute of the Czech Language of the AS CR, v. v. i., accessible to the general public in a completely new, user-friendly software database of language problems concerning the language counseling centre. To facilitate the processing of queries for entering them into the database a system for semi-automatic editing of data to assist with the structuring of a query will be designed.
See also project details on research group page.
Principal investigator: Doc. Ing. Roman Mouček, Ph.D.
Project number: 85
Duration: 1. 10. 2016 - 30. 9. 2019
Grantor: Operational program EK INTERREG V-A (CZ-BY)
Annotation: The main objective of the BASIL project that is being solved within the cross-border cooperation between the regions of Bavaria and the Czech Republic is a prototype of a ‘smart home’ assistance system. This assistance system, based on the recognition of brain waves, is intended for people with limited mobility.
See also project details on research group page.
Principal investigator: Prof. Ing. Pavel Novák Ph.D.
Investigator: Doc. Ing. Josef Kohout, Ph.D.; Doc. Ing. Přemysl Brada, MSc., Ph.D.; Prof. Dr. Ing. Ivana Kolingerová
Project number: LO1506
Duration: 1. 7. 2015 - 30. 6. 2020
Grantor: MŠMT
Annotation: The PUNTIS project builds on the European Centre of Excellence NTIS - New Technologies for the Information Society project co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (Operational Programme Research and Development for Innovation) built in the years 2010-14 as a new division of the Faculty of Applied Sciences of University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. The main objectives of the PUNTIS project are: supporting the Centre as the major research and development institution of European importance, also supporting the social and economic development of the City of Pilsen and the Pilsen region, development of research teams, internationalization of the teams, and partial renewal and upgrading of the implemented infrastructure.
See also project details on research group page.
Principal investigator: Doc. Ing. Josef Steinberger, Ph.D.
Project number: FP7-CIG-630786
Duration: 1.3.2014 - 28.2.2018
Annotation: News aggregators gather thousands of news articles every day from across the world and cluster them into news stories. This is even augmented by the increasing amount of accompanied comments, which contain mass opinions about the news events. A promising way to reduce this bulk of highly redundant data is offered by the language technologies known as multidocument text summarisation and sentiment analysis. However, both tasks have to be done in multiple languages. Thanks to these technologies, Mediagist can detect and explore controversy in world news.
Principal investigator: Prof. Ing. Václav Skala, CSc.
Project number: INGO II LG13047
Duration: 1. 3. 2013 - 31. 12. 2015
Grantor: MŠMT
Annotation: The aim of the EURO project is to support activities of the project leader in the fields of computer graphics, visualization and virtual reality. Namely activities in international non-governmental organizations, especially within Eurographics Association and EG professional Board, at Editorial Boards meetings of research and scientific journals, especially meetings of Computers & Graphics (Elsevier) and The Visual Computer (Springer Verlag) Editorial Boards.The EURO project aims also to support Czech researchers in publication activities in scientific journals and at established international conferences.
Principal investigator: Prof. Ing. Václav Skala, CSc.
Project number: KONTAKT II LH12181
Duration: 1.3.2012 - 31.12.2015
Grantor: MŠMT
Annotation: Mutual reaserch collaboration between Universitz of West Bohemia, Czech Republic and Shandong University, China in the fields of Computer Graphics, Visualization and CAD/CAM systems.
Principal investigator: Doc. Ladislav Čepička, Ph.D. (FPE-KTSV)
Investigator: Ing. Pavel Mautner, Ph.D.; Doc. Ing. Roman Mouček, Ph.D.
Project number: GAP407/12/1525
Duration: 1. 1. 2012 - 31. 12. 2014
Grantor: GAČR
Annotation: Developmental coordination disorder (DCD) belongs to learning disorders and usually is described as a disorder in development of motor coordination which can not be explained by mental retardation. This project propsal follows previous project whose objective was to search out possibilities of diagnostics of DCD. Results support expectation that brain of children with lower level of coordination processes event related potentials by different way. Thus the objective proposal is to describe differences in movement control in children according to level coordination development and intellect. The project will be solved in cooperation of Department of Physical Education, team of neuroinformatic scientists, electrophysiological laboratory of University Hospital in Pilsen and expert in special education. Test MABC 2, analysis of evoked potential and some other test of learning disorders and intellect will be used. About one hundred children will participate in project. Outputs of project: papers in journal with impact factor.
Principal investigator: Prof. Dr. Ing. Ivana Kolingerová
Project number: KONTAKT II LH 11006
Duration: 1. 3. 2011 - 31. 12. 2013
Grantor: MŠMT
Annotation: 1. To enhance our adaptive and already realized adaptive model to enable non-homogenous, multi-layered and more compact material including course granules and cavities.
2. To improve our current physical model of sand transfer to enable more accurate simulations of physical processes besides interactive manipulation. The new solution will enhance the model for other types of erosion (wind or water) and long-lasting effect of these factors.
3. To create a model for simulation of groups and crowds, based on a hierarchical geometric subdivision, allowing a most natural behavior and an adaptation of its rules.
4. To enhance the simulation model in order to enable interactive behavior according to immediate impulses, such as direct danger.
5. To generalize the achieved results and collected experience in the areas of both subtask and to propose a common data structure, suitable for uniform representation of changes and a fast access.
Principal investigator: Prof. Ing. Jiří Šafařík, CSc.
Project number: GAČR P103/11/1489
Duration: 1. 1. 2011 - 31. 12. 2013
Grantor: GAČR
Annotation: The component based programming approach was proven to greatly simplify the development process, especially in the context of enterprise and evolving systems. Despite successes in the field and increasing industrial adoption of component based programming techniques, fundamental issues of many stages of the development process are not well understood and have not been explored yet. This project focuses on research of these areas. The key challenges to address are mainly related to enhancing the quality of component based applications with respect to user requirements: devising a process of automated deriving components? functional design and extra-functional features from natural language descriptions (e.g. UML use cases), maintaining consistency of applications in context of dynamic systems with frequent component updates by combination of static verification methods and component based simulation, and to develop universal methods for easing of coding phases of component software development based on feature-oriented programming (FOP) techniques.
Principal investigator: Prof. Ing. Václav Skala, CSc.
Project number: LA10035 (INGO)
Duration: 1. 1. 2010 - 31. 12. 2012
Grantor: MŠMT
Annotation: The aim of the project is to actively involve the research team in the scientific activities within international non-governmental scholarly societies IEEE and ACM, in particular IEEE Computer Society and ACM SIGGRAPH, respectively.
Principal investigator: Doc.
Ing. Jiří Sochor,CSc. (Masaryk University, Brno)
Investigator: Prof. Dr. Ing. Ivana Kolingerová
Project number: GAP202/10/1435
Duration: 1. 1. 2010 - 31. 12. 2012
Grantor: GAČR
Annotation: Novel analytical methods for the biochemical research will be developed and tested within the project. As for dynamic models, geometrical protein properties will be examined with view of finding and evaluating tunnels that connect an active spot inside a protein with its surface. Tunnel properties such as surface, volume, length, etc. will be statistically evaluated for large sets of images obtained from the simulation of protein dynamics. The results will be visualized in a descriptive manner providing new information to biochemists. The methods will also concentrate on the interaction of small molecules (ligands) coming through a promising tunnel, in time as well as in space. The task of another method will be to propose how to modify a protein in order to make the tunnel of a higher quality. The methods will be included in the CAVER tool (developed at MU), which is currently used by biochemists around the globe. The project is a continuation of the project GA201/07/0927 – Protein structure visualization, funded from 2007 to 2009.
Principal investigator: Prof. Ing. Václav Skala, CSc.
Project number: ME10060 (KONTAKT)
Duration: 1. 1. 2010 - 31. 12. 2012
Grantor: MŠMT
Annotation: The Visual HCI project is focused on re-establishing professional contacts between the staff of the investigating institution and the employees of the prestigious reference institution The State Key Lab of CAD & CG, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou in the field of computer graphics and visualization and modern mathematical methods.
Principal investigator: Prof. Ing. Václav Skala, CSc.
Project number: LA09036 (INGO)
Duration: 1. 1. 2009 - 31. 12. 2012
Grantor: MŠMT
Annotation: Active participation in the meetings of control bodies of international non-governmental scholarly organizations with a focus on computer science, especially on computer graphics and data visualization, computer animation, and virtual reality.
Principal investigator: Doc.
Dr. Ing. Eduard Rohan (ZČU-FAV-KME)
Investigator: Doc. Dr. Ing. Jana Klečková
Project number: GA106/09/0740
Duration: 1. 1. 2009 - 31. 12. 2012
Grantor: GAČR
Annotation: The project is focused on the development of models of flow in porous media with a hierarchical canal arrangement reflecting the structure of the brain perfusion system. We will use a homogenization method to find an appropriate form of constitutive and balance relationships applicable to the description of flow in the whole brain with regard to micro-circulation, in particular to the effects of pore and branching geometry, linkage of different hierarchies, and other properties important for the description of diffusion-deformation phenomena. This task needs to create histological maps of the micro-structure in distinct brain parts. The goal is to develop software for the simulations of cerebral blood flow (CBF) and methodology of processing CT perfusion examination results by observing the contrast medium’s diffusion. The model enables simulating some pathological changes and evaluating the sensitivity of standard examination methods to the identification of a specific defect or quantification of the infliction extent. Therefore, the research team involves specialists in quantitative histology of tissue samples, CBF clinical examination proper, and manipulation with large data sets of CT results.
Principal investigator: Ing.
František Zýka, CSc. (Elis Plzeň)
Investigator: Doc. Ing. Vlastimil Vavřička, CSc.
Project number: MPO-FR-RI1/137
Duration: 1. 3. 2009 - 31. 12. 2012
Grantor: MPO
Annotation: The project deals with research and development in the field of multi-beam ultrasonic fluid flow meters. The project goal is to find, by research and development activities, an optimal solution of individual flow meter components enabling to achieve a high accuracy of measuring flow even with varying hydraulic conditions in the flow meter measuring sensor and changing parameters of the fluid measured. The flow meter concept will be modular, allowing for an optimal configuration selection based on its application. The flow meters will be equipped with modern distant communication tools.
Principal investigator: Prof. Dr. Ing. Ivana Kolingerová
Project number: GA201/09/0097
Duration: 1. 1. 2009 - 31. 12. 2011
Grantor: GAČR
Annotation: Our scheduled work with triangulated models has two main, mutually interconnected tasks: a) Construction of triangulated models and manipulation with them, path scheduling (1. Algorithms for a fast search on the surface of geometrical models, 2. Local changes of the triangulated model fineness with a distinct detail level according to the requirements of a haptic application. 3. Triangulated models based on kinetic data. 4. Modelling of deformations and development of geometrical objects. 5. Path scheduling / searching in virtual reality applications, with the possibility of a quick schedule change in the case of object shape modifications; application of triangulations as space dividing data structures. 6. Rapid inter-frame detection of triangulated models collisions as an input for force feedback computation.); b) Haptics and virtual reality (1. Development of fine solid and elastic tools for triangulated surface models and their applications in haptic interactions. 2. Development and implementation of detailed surface models enabling simulations of human-controlled tools interacting with solid and elastic surface models.)
Principal investigator: Marco
Viceconti, PhD (Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli)
Investigator: Doc. Ing. Josef Kohout, Ph.D.
Project number: FP7-223865
Duration: 1. 9. 2008 - 31. 10. 2012
Annotation: VPHOP: the Osteoporotic Virtual Physiological Human ( is an integrated project involving 20 partners whose aim is to develop modelling technology, based on conventional diagnostic imaging methods, that will make it possible to assess, in a clinical setting and for each patient individually, the strength of his/her bones, how this strength is likely to change over time, and the likelihood that he/she will overload his/her bones during daily life. These predictions will be used to improve the diagnostic accuracy of current clinical standards, and to provide the foundation for an evidence-based prognosis with respect to the natural evolution of the disease, to pharmacological treatments, and/or to preventive interventional treatments aimed at selectively strengthening particularly weak regions of the skeleton.
The basis of the project is a patient-specific hypermodel – a model composed by many sub-models, each describing the relevant phenomena taking place at one of the many dimensional scales involved in osteoporosis fractures. The project role of the Czech partner UWB is to develop solution that allows: a) muscle deformation (muscles represented by surface model) imposing volume preservation and impenetrability of muscles and bones and b) decomposition of deformed muscles into a chaff of parallel lines of actions based on muscle fibres orientation.
Principal investigator: Doc. Ing. Josef Kohout, Ph.D.
Project number: MEB 090626
Duration: 2007 - 2008
Grantor: MŠMT
Annotation: Primary goal is the mutual exchange of research ideas and opinions. PhD students and young scientists will have an opportunity to present the results of finished research and to propose their visions for the further research in longer talks. Fedback carried by the other team should speed up the research or even improve the results of planned projects.
Principal investigator: Doc. Ing. Josef Kohout, Ph.D.
Project number: KJB101470701
Duration: 2007 - 2009
Grantor: GAAV (Grantová agentura akademie věd České republiky)
Annotation: Projekt je zaměřen na stanovení vhodné geometrické reprezentace obrazové informace (jak digitálních obrázků, tak digitálního videa). Alternativní geometická reprezentace oproti klasické reprezentaci (založené zejména na JPEG) umožňuje snadnou aplikaci affiních transformací (translace, rotace, zvětšení, ...), přičemž nebrání ani konvolučním operace, a navíc má předpoklady být úspornější. Současná existující řešení se často zabývají pouze reprezentací šedotónových digitálních obrazů, přičemž využívají k tomu Delaunayovu triangulaci (DT), constrained DT nebo Data-Dependent traingulací. Prozkoumání vhodnosti různých druhů triangulací a následný návrh vlastní geometrické reprezentace, rozšíření této reprezentace pro barevné digitální obrazy a zobecnění reprezentace pro digitální video patří mezi stěžejní cíle tohoto projektu.
Principal investigator: Prof.
Ing. Mirko Novák, DrSc. (ČVUT-FD)
Investigator: Prof. Ing. Václav Matoušek, CSc.
Project number: ME 949
Duration: 1. 9. 2007 - 31. 12. 2011
Grantor: MŠMT
Annotation: The overall goal of the project is a better understanding of the human-vehicle interaction reliability and of the internal as well as external factors affecting it, creation of methods for improving human resistance against driving tiredness and new findings necessary for the development of appropriate vehicle assistance warning systems against attention decline. On the basis of such findings, it will be possible to take measures resulting in a significant decrease of traffic damages and accidents.
Remark: Further project participants are: ŠKODA AUTO Inc., 1st Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University in Prague, Masaryk University, SPEL Ltd., University of Defence, Brno, Institute of Informatics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, and Czech Railways Inc.
Principal investigator: Doc. Ing. Josef Bokr, CSc.
Project number: ME 867
Duration: 2006 - 2009
Grantor: MŠMT
Annotation: Cílem projektu je poskytnout každému projektantovi řídicí logické průmyslové automatiky dostatečně přesný a názorný, ale i prostý a pohodlný univerzální nástroj pro návrh.
Principal investigator: Prof. Ing. Karel Ježek, CSc.
Project number: 2C06009
Duration: 2006 - 2010
Grantor: MŠMT
Annotation: Vypracovat komplexní systém metodických a implementačních nástrojů na bázi inteligentních agentů pro vytváření uživatelsky přívětivých rozhraní k sémantickému webu umožňující, aby komunikace s uživatelem probíhala v přirozeném jazyce a též zpracovávaná data měla převážně charakter vět, resp. promluv, přirozeného jazyka. Dalším cílem pak je ověření funkčních vlastností navržených nástrojů na vhodně zvolené aplikaci.
Principal investigator: Prof. Ing. Václav Skala, CSc.
Project number: 2C06002
Duration: 1. 7. 2006 - 31. 6. 2011
Grantor: MŠMT
Annotation: The project’s goal is the design of new algorithms and verification of novel methods for computer graphics and data visualization within a virtual scientific and educational centre using mobile communication with leading institutions both in the Czech Republic and abroad. Furthermore, possibilities and needs for an intensive communication in a virtual environment for the objectives of research and educational activities in the every-day practice will be verified. The actual scholarly content is concerned with the development of new algorithms by means of non-Euclidean geometry (e.g. projective geometry), data structures and representations, and with the visualization of structured and unstructured spatial data using virtual reality and modern communication tools, including video conference systems. Structured and unstructured data are nowadays used in a number of areas ranging from scientific-technological computations (strength calculations, flow computation, simulations, etc.) to medical data (tomography, magnetic resonance, etc.).
Principal investigator: Prof. Ing. Václav Matoušek, CSc.
Project number: D-CZ905-06
Duration: 2005 - 2006
Grantor: MŠMT
Annotation: Předmětem společného výzkumu je vývoj speciálního biometrického pera, resp. kuličkové tužky, vybaveného senzory různých typů (mechanickými, akustickými, optickými) umožňujícími snímání přítlaku na hrot pera a jeho vedení během psaní.
Principal investigator: Prof. Ing. Václav Skala, CSc.
Project number: FP6-PLT-511568
Duration: 2004 - 2008
Annotation: The jointly conducted research encompasses a wide range of diverse fields that collectively form the components of the 3DTV research. Production related issues, and potential application areas will also be investigated. Social impact of 3DTV and gender related issues in technical research fields will be discussed.
Principal investigator: Prof. Ing. Václav Matoušek, CSc.
Project number: ME 701
Duration: 2003 - 2007
Grantor: MŠMT
Annotation: Vyhledávání neuroinformačních bází v ČR již existujících a vytváření podmínek k tomu, aby jejich data a informační obsah mohl být postupně začleňován do připravované mezinárodní báze "neurobase" v rámci Global Neuroinformatic Network, příprava mezinárodní báze "Neurobase".