
2007Ph.D. under joint supervision in computer science at Louis Pasteur University, Strasbourg, France and at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen (UWB), Czech Republic
2003MSc. (Ing.) in computer science at UWB

Professional Experience

2014 - presentassociate professor at UWB
2009 - 2014assistant professor at UWB
2007 - 2009software engineer at Gefasoft AG in Munich, Germany
2006 - 2007assistant professor at Marc Bloch University, Strasbourg, France

Research Grants

2018 - 2021"KnowING IPR - Fostering Innovation in the Danube Region through Knowledge Engineering and IPR Management", Interreg Danube DTP2‑076-1.1 (co-investigator), funded by the European Union
2014 - 2015"MODINFORM - Modern Informetric Methods for the Evaluation of Scientific Research", MŠMT MOBILITY 7AMB14SK090 (principal investigator), funded by the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic
2011 - 2014"NTIS - New Technologies for Information Society", European Centre of Excellence, CZ.1.05/1.1.00/02.0090 (junior researcher), funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
2006, 2009 - 20102C06009 COT-SEWing (project participant), on the semantic Web and natural language processing methods, funded by the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic
2005FRVŠ 1347/2005/G1 (principal investigator), on knowledge extraction from the Web content and topology, funded by the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic
2004 - 2005RNTL Paploo (project participant), on electronic re-edition, funded by the French Ministry of Education

Research and Teaching Experience

Publications56 publications in total on data mining, Web mining, information retrieval, information science, and informetrics from which there are 32 journal articles, 19 conference proceedings papers, 3 theses, 1 monograph, and 1 technical report; 34 of the publications are in the Web of Science database
Research interestsdata mining, information retrieval, information science, informetrics, and scientometrics
Courses taughtWeb applications, database models and methods, programming structures, user interfaces

Invited Talks

2020State Agency on Intellectual Property, Chisinau, Moldova (online).
KnowING IPR: Which Data Are Retrieved within the Web Application?. June 30, 2020.
2019Patent- und Markenzentrum Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart, Germany.
The KnowING IPR Platform: an Open Access Tool for Advanced IPR Analysis. July 10, 2019.
 Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Budapest, Hungary.
Real-Life IPR Data. April 9, 2019.
201810th International Conference on Information Technologies and Information Society (ITIS 2018), Novo mesto, Slovenia.
Online Sources of Patent and Bibliographic Data: Accessing and Processing Them. October 25, 2018.
 Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Munich, Germany.
Moderne informetrische Methoden zur Bewertung der Wissenschaftler. July 24, 2018.
2017Technische Hochschule Deggendorf, Deggendorf, Germany.
Moderne informetrische Methoden zur Analyse und Bewertung von Publikationen. November 23, 2017.
 Faculty of Information Studies in Novo mesto, Novo mesto, Slovenia.
Modern Informetric Methods for the Evaluation of Scientific Research. July 7, 2017.
2016Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland.
Moderne informetrische Methoden zur Bewertung der Wissenschaftler. August 3, 2016.
 University of Wolverhampton, Wolverhampton, United Kingdom.
New Informetric Methods for the Evaluation of Scientific Research. July 26, 2016.
2015Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nűrnberg, Erlangen, Germany.
Neue informetrische Methoden zur Bewertung der Wissenschaftler. December 21, 2015.
 Technická univerzita v Košiciach, Košice, Slovakia.
Bibliografické databáze a jejich praktické použití. July 7, 2015.
2014University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom.
Google's PageRank as a Tool for Bibliometric Measurements. August 1, 2014.
 Technická univerzita v Košiciach, Košice, Slovakia.
Moderní informetrické metody hodnocení vědeckého výzkumu. July 2, 2014.
2013Technische Universität Chemnitz, Chemnitz, Germany.
Neue informetrische Methoden zur Bewertung der Wissenschaftler. December 16, 2013.
 Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany.
Webtechnologien und Webdienste. December 5, 2013.
 Univerza v Ljubljani, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
PageRank: from Google to citation analysis. July 10, 2013.
 Technická univerzita v Košiciach, Košice, Slovakia.
PageRank: od Googlu k citační analýze. April 9, 2013.
2012Royal Holloway, University of London, London, United Kingdom.
Web technologies and services. November 22, 2012.
 Hochschule Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany.
PageRank: von Google zur Zitationsanalyse. July 4, 2012.

Reviewing Activities

Article reviewsApplied Sciences (ISSN: 2076-3417)
Article reviewsArtificial Intelligence Review (ISSN: 0269-2821)
 Austrian Journal of Statistics (ISSN: 1026-597X)
 Computers and Electrical Engineering (ISSN: 0045-7906)
 Expert Systems with Applications (ISSN: 0957-4174)
 Information Development (ISSN: 1741-6469)
 Information Processing and Management (ISSN: 0306-4573)
 International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design (ISSN: 1947-8186)
 IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine (ISSN: 1556-603X)
 IETE Technical Review (ISSN: 0256-4602)
 Journal of Basic and Applied Research International (ISSN: 2395-3438)
 Journal of Information Science (ISSN: 0165-5515)
 Journal of Informetrics (ISSN: 1751-1577)
 Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ISSN: 2330-1635)
 Journal of Scientific Research and Reports (ISSN: 2320-0227)
 Kuwait Journal of Science (ISSN: 2307-4108)
 Physica A (ISSN: 0378-4371)
 Publications (ISSN: 2304-6775)
 Science Innovation (ISSN: 2328-7861)
 Scientometrics (ISSN: 0138-9130)
 Social Network Analysis and Mining (ISSN: 1869-5450)
 Webology (ISSN: 1735-188X)
Editorial boardsActa Electrotechnica et Informatica (ISSN: 1335-8243)
 Journal of Informetrics (ISSN: 1751-1577)
 SAIEE Africa Research Journal (ISSN: 0038-2221)
Conference programme committeesIEEE Eighth International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, May 28 - 30, 2014, Marrakesh, Morocco.
 Znalosti 2014, September 26 - 28, 2014, Jasná pod Chopkom, Slovakia.
 Data a znalosti 2015, October 1 - 2, 2015, Prague, Czech Republic.
 Data a znalosti 2016, November 3 - 4, 2016, Smolenice, Slovakia.
 Data a znalosti 2017, October 5 - 6, 2017, Pilsen, Czech Republic.
 Data a znalosti 2018, October 11 - 12, 2018, Brno, Czech Republic.
 Data a znalosti 2019, October 10 - 11, 2019, Košice, Slovakia.
Research grant evaluationExpert evaluator of the Cyprus Research and Innovation Foundation in the RESTART 2016-2020 Programmes for Research, Technological Development and Innovation (2023)
 Reviewer and rapporteur of the Slovenian Research Agency within the Public call for the (co-)financing of research projects in 2023
 External reviewer of The Research Council (Oman) in the Block Funding Program 2022
 Reviewer of the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia in the IDEAS (2020) and PROMIS 2023 programme calls
 Reviewer of the Italian Ministry for University and Research (MUR) in the 2020 PRIN call
 Reviewer of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (United Kingdom) in the call EPSRC Fellowship - Early Career (2020)
 Reviewer and rapporteur of The National Centre for Research and Development (Poland) in the Small Grant Scheme 2020 Call of the Applied Research Programme
 Reviewer and panel member (Physical Sciences and Engineering, and Natural and Technical Sciences, respectively) of the Research Council of Lithuania in the Polish-Lithuanian Funding Initiative (DAINA 2) Call for Proposals 2020 and Postdoctoral Fellowships Programme Call 2023
 Independent expert of the Bulgarian National Science Fund in the Competition for Financial Support for Basic Research Projects - 2020
 Reviewer of the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports of the Czech Republic in the programme VES15 COST CZ (The European Cooperation in Science and Technology)
 External referee of the Romanian National Research Council in the programmes Exploratory Research Projects (PCE2012), Postdoctoral Research Projects (PD2012), and Young Research Teams (RUTE2014)
Institutional evaluationExpert and panel member (Committee of Natural and Technical Sciences) of the Research Council of Lithuania in the Comparative Expert Assessment 2023