La Trobe University, Bendigo
Department of Information Technology
Computing 205/406/IT8: Network Architectures
Assignment 1 1996
Welcome to the first assignment for IT8/C205/C406! This assignment is the first ever for this
subject which is entirely on-line. There should be no need for anyone to print copies of the
assignment sheet, and no need to hand paper copies of anything to the lecturer.
You are required to do two things:
- Create your own World Wide Web page. If you have used the Indys, the version of
netscape that they use will have already done a fair bit of the work for you. However, this
assignment requires a bit more from you than that. What you have to do:
- You must create a page called (eg) C205.html, if you're enrolled in C205. If you're in
IT8, call it IT8.html, and similarly for C406. This will (naturally) be located in your
public_html directory. There must be a hyperlink to it from your welcome.html page
(your default home page).
- The page must contain a minimum of three things. These are:
- A hyperlink to the C205 "Table Of Contents" page on ironbark. You should already
know the URL.
- A mailto markup, which I can use to send your mark to you.
- A link back from your network architecture page to your home page.
- It can also contain any other material which you feel is appropriate to your study of
network architecture this semester. Feel free to include graphics, pointers to other
resources, or whatever you believe is appropriate.
- Send me an email message giving me the URL of your network architecture page. In your
email, you should also indicate whether you would like your page to be included in a list of
hyperlinks to student pages for those enrolled in this subject. Please note that anyone who
uses a "finger name" which is not their actual name can expect to get zero on this part.
For those students who have never looked "behind the scenes" of the web, this will be your first
exposure to HTML, the markup language that is its lingua franca. There are lots of on-line
resources to assist you in getting going in HTML, including an excellent tutorial written by our
own Mal Sutherland. There are also many HTML authoring tools: on the Indys you can simply
use WebMagic if you don't want to learn too much about HTML.
Your assignment will be marked, firstly on whether you have met the basic criteria outlined
above. If you have, you will get 3 marks. The remaining two marks will be allocated qualitatively,
on the basis of how good your work looks to me. This assignment carries 5% of your mark for
Computing 205/406/IT8.
- Due Date:
- 29th March 1996, 5pm, no extensions without medical certificate. Because this
assignment will be marked "on-line", your should have your mark returned by email on
Monday, 1st April (no, there's nothing significant in the date).
- Lecturer and tutor:
- Phil Scott, 447277, pscott@ironbark
Phil Scott