La Trobe University, Bendigo

Department of Information Technology

Computing 205/406/IT8: Network Architectures

Assignment 2 1996

Your task in this assignment is to investigate one only of the following topics in computer network architecture, and submit a report on your findings.
  • Investigate the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP), which is the application layer protocol underlying the World Wide Web.

  • Investigate the "Usenet" electronic news system, with attention to the following points:
    1. How does the news system actually work, in terms of architecture, storage and transfer of "articles"?
    2. What is the function of the Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) in the news system?

  • TCP is the reliable transport protocol of the Internet. Other network architectures use their own transport protocols for this purpose. Discover some (at least one) such protocols and briefly compare and contrast them with TCP.

  • Investigate the use of the network to allow connected systems to set their time accurately. There are several degrees of complexity in this question: you should not allow yourself to become too immersed in detail, rather providing an overview of the techniques and protocols which are used.

  • Investigate the option negotiation techniques used in the TELNET protocol.

  • Any other appropriate network architecture related topic with the explicit prior approval of the lecturer.

    You should expect to write something between 1500 and 3000 words on the topic of your choice, although this is not mandatory. You have two options for submission of your assignment: traditional hard copy (paper) form, or on-line using a web page dedicated to this assignment. Your choice of submission format will not, in any way, affect the mark which you obtain, although students choosing electronic submission should consult the guidelines available on the C205/406/IT8 home page before proceeding to submit via this method. Submissions must, in general, adhere to the requirements of the LaTrobe University, Bendigo Assignment Guide.

    This assignment carries 15% of your mark for Computing 205/406/IT8.

    Due Date: 17th May 1996, 5pm, no extensions without medical certificate.

    Lecturer and tutor: Phil Scott, 447277, pscott@ironbark

    Phil Scott