You should expect to write something between 1500 and 3000 words on the topic of your choice, although this is not mandatory. You have two options for submission of your assignment: traditional hard copy (paper) form, or on-line using a web page dedicated to this assignment. Your choice of submission format will not, in any way, affect the mark which you obtain, although students choosing electronic submission should consult the guidelines available on the C205/406/IT8 home page before proceeding to submit via this method. Submissions must, in general, adhere to the requirements of the LaTrobe University, Bendigo Assignment Guide.
This assignment carries 15% of your mark for Computing 205/406/IT8.
Due Date: 17th May 1996, 5pm, no extensions without medical certificate.
Lecturer and tutor: Phil Scott, 447277, pscott@ironbark