La Trobe University, Bendigo
Department of Information Technology
Computing 205/406/IT8: Network Architectures
Assignment 3 1996
This assignment has several questions: you must choose ONE ONLY of these.
- Investigate some of the electronic payment (electronic cash) systems which have been
designed for payment for goods and services on the Web.
- Investigate some of the schemes which have been proposed for "content restriction" on the
World Wide Web, such as the "Safe Surfing" initiative. Are any of these related to the US
Government's "V-chip"? Should they be? Serious philosophical discussion required.
- You have been retained as a consultant by a small(ish - you decide how big) Central
Victorian business to advise them on their options for obtaining Internet access. They
initially want straightforward email service, but wish to keep their options open in terms of
future use of the net, in particular the possibility of establishing an "electronic storefront"
for Internet commerce. Write a report detailing their options, using (as much as possible)
real world costings for the proposed services.
- This question is about network security. Your task is to investigate public key
cryptosystems. In particular, you should investigate PGP (Phil Zimmerman's Pretty Good
Privacy package), available on the departmental Unix systems. You are required to create a
personal PGP public/private key pair, and use your private key to encrypt an email
message to your lecturer. You must then provide your public key to the lecturer in such a
way that the lecturer is certain of the origin of the encrypted (or signed) message. You
should then use PGP encrypted (or signed) electronic mail to submit a report on your
findings to the lecturer. This report should cover the basic operation of public key
systems, a description of the procedures required to distribute public keys in a safe and
trustworthy manner, and possibly a discussion of the legal, political and commercial issues
implied by the existence of PGP. You might also mention something about the US laws
regarding exportation of encryption technology.
- This is a question for the programmers. The HTTP protocol uses TCP, at port number 80,
for transfer of HTML documents. Your task is to write a client program (preferably on
Unix) which opens a socket to a remote host and issues the HTTP command to fetch a
specified HTML document. The document should be displayed on the terminal. A simple
implementation will display the HTML file without attempting to interpret the markup
tags. A more complete program might interpret some of the markup: I'd suggest some of
the simpler textual markup such as <p> and <hr>. See your lecturer for some ideas on this
- As before, another topic with the explicit prior approval of your lecturer.
Submissions should generally be in the form of a "report", which must adhere to the requirements
of the LaTrobe University, Bendigo Assignment Guide. This assignment carries 20% of your
mark for Computing 205/406/IT8.
Due Date: 14th June 1996, 5pm, absolutely no extensions under any circumstances.
Lecturer and tutor: Phil Scott, 447277, pscott@ironbark