What is "remote login"? What is the standard protocol which
provides remote login on the Internet?
The TELNET protocol defines a Network Virtual Terminal,
(NVT) which means that servers and clients don't need to know the details of
the actual terminal or host (if any) at the other end of the connection.
The alternative to this approach is to perform terminal emulation. What
is meant by terminal emulation, and why is the NVT approach
considered better?
What are some of the characteristics of the TELNET NVT?
When the telnet program starts up,
it informs the user as follows:
ironbark 27> telnet redgum
Connected to redgum.bendigo.latrobe.edu.au.
Escape character is '^]'.
What is the "escape character" used for?
The1 text file for
RFC 854
(the TELNET protocol specification) contains exactly 854 lines.
Do you think there is cosmic significance in this?
Why do they call it "anonymous" FTP if the server insists on
your email address as a password?
The FTP protocol has two different modes of
operation: text and binary, or image.
What do you think is the difference between these two
modes? What does RFC 959 (section 3.4)
have to say on the matter?
Explain why a binary mode FTP transfer of a PC (or Macintosh) text
file to a Unix system (or vice versa) results in a (slightly)
corrupted file.
Why does the control connection in FTP need to use the TELNET
NVT specification?
BSD Unix introduced a file transfer utility called rcp,
analogous to rlogin. What does this do?
(Research question) How does TELNET perfom option negotiation?