Computing 205/406 & IT8
Tutorial #9
- What is the domain name of the UNIX host you primarily use for
electronic mail at LaTrobe, Bendigo? What is your email address?
- Why is it considered important that the DNS is:
- Hierarchical?
- Distributed?
- The domain name system allows abbreviations of names so that, for
example, the name bindi resolves to a correct address at Bendigo.
How is this handled by the nameserver? What about
- (Philosophical question) In the DNS, each nameserver is configured
to know the IP address of its parent nameserver, rather than its name.
Why is this very important? Is this advisable for ordinary hosts as
well as nameservers?
- (Implementation question) The standard suggests that when a
program needs to find the domain name associated with an IP address,
it should send an inverse query to the local server first and domain only if that fails. Why?
- (Research question - very difficult) Read the DNS standards and find
out how the domain name system uses SOA records.
Practical exercises:
- Use the nslookup or dig utilities to investigate domain names.
Within nslookup, type h for help and take it from there. Try typing and (ie, with a
trailing dot). Try just bindi on its own, and bindi.bendigo
Interesting? Use exit or ^D to get out of nslookup. Try set
query=CNAME, or a few other RR types, then repeat the exercise.
- Some of the WWW "search engines" are getting pretty good at finding
people on the net. Try using one of these (eg, Lycos, Web Crawler, Alta
Vista) to find someone you know.
This tutorial is also available in PostScript format.
Phil Scott