Computer Networks

Tutorial #17

  1. How would you request a router to return the actual values of the objects ipForwarding, icmpInEchoes and tcpMaxConn? Give solutions using each of the get and get-next commands. Use a command syntax of your choice, although the CMU SNMPlib syntax given in the lecture notes would be the most appropriate.

  2. The following is a diagrammatic view of portion of a table (ifTable) in the interfaces portion of the standard MIB, edited to fit the page. The table consists of a sequence of ifEntry elements. Values shown are from the router r-bgowan at Bendigo.
    1. Describe interface 3 on this router.
    2. What would be the structure of an SNMP get-request to discover the speed, in bps, of interface 1.
    3. What value would be returned by get-next(...ifSpeed.2)?

  3. Why do SNMP proponents use the expression "powerful get-next"? In other words, what problem does the get-next operation solve very elegantly?

  4. (Philosophical question) What is the purpose of the SNMP portion of the MIB?

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Phil Scott