BITCNE: Computer Networks Late Breaking News

Note: most recent messages appear first on this page.

Assignment 3 Available

Assignment 3 is now available. It overlaps with assignment 2's submission date to allow you to get started earlier than might otherwise be the case. Note that new questions may be added.

Assignment 2 Available

Assignment 2 is now available.

Tutorial Cancellation, Wed 21st April

Due to your lecturer's participation in the La Trobe University, Bendigo Academic Procession, the tutorial scheduled for 4pm on Wednesday, 21st April has been cancelled. Students who normally attend this tute (and there aren't many of you!) should attend either of the Thursday tutorials (12noon or 3pm).

Assignment 1 Submission Date Extension

I've been contacted by rather a lot of people who are having great difficulty in getting their Assignment 1 submitted by the due date (9th April 1999). Because I'm always a soft touch for a sob story, I've decided to allow an extra week for submission of the assignment, making the new due date the 16th of April. If you've got a valid excuse, and still can't make the new deadline, please send me an email.

Assignment 1 Now Available

After a rather excessively long development time, Assignment 1 is now available.

Subject Web Pages Undergoing Update

Note that the Web pages for this unit are currently under revision. Expect some stability when the teaching semester begins on the 1st of March, 1999. In the meantime, the material from 1998 is still available.

[Computer Networks Table of Contents] [Lectures] [Tutorials] [Assignments]

Phil Scott