BITCNE: Computer Networks Late Breaking News

Note: most recent messages appear first on this page.

Assignment 3 Now Available

Assignment 3 is now available, due in at the end of semester 2.

Arrangements for 16th - 18th September

Classes in this subject will not be held on the above dates, since your lecturer/tutor will be away from the campus (at AUUG '98, in fact). You should obtain the lecture notes as usual (it's Lecture 16) and work through Tute 14 and Tute 15in your own time. Suggested solutions are available for these tutes (see the bottom of the respective tute sheet pages) - you should defer looking at these until you have first attempted the tute questions yourself.

Room Changes Now Finalised

We now have two confirmed room changes:
  1. The Wednesday tute at 11am is now in room B2.32, which is where we moved to last week when we didn't fit in B2.26. The midday tute (which is rather less popular) remains in B2.26.
  2. More importantly -- the Friday lecture (9am) has been moved to B2.30. This is a (somewhat) more pleasant lecture room than B2.15. Note that the Fiday tutes will remain in B2.15.

Assignment 1 Now Available

Assignment 1 is now available, due in on Friday 4th September.

Bug Fixed In Tute Selection System

I have found and fixed a bug which reported that you were booked in a different tutorial to the one you selected. I think everyone actually is where they wanted, but I guess we'll find out on Wednesday...

On-Line Tutorial Selection

Now Available - on line tutorial registration for this subject. Please be gentle - it's a fairly non-robust software system at present. It'll get better!

[Computer Networks Table of Contents] [Lectures] [Tutorials] [Assignments]

Phil Scott