Computing 205 Tutorial Sheets

The following Computing 205/406/IT8 tutorial worksheets, in PostScript format, are available on line.

They are derived from the application "WriteNow" on the Macintosh. The Mac "Page Setup" was for A4 paper. Some laser printers may refuse to print these documents on other sizes of paper. Students at Bendigo may wish to investigate this on-line help page to discover some hints on how to manage these documents.

  1. Tutorial 1: Network Architecture Intro
  2. Tutorial 2: The TCP Protocol
  3. Tutorial 3: Applications #1
  4. Tutorial 4: Applications #2
  5. Tutorial 5: Applications #3
  6. Tutorial 6: Programming Interface
  7. Tutorial 7: Introduction to IP
  8. Tutorial 8: IP #2
  9. Tutorial 9: Domain Name System
  10. Tutorial 10: Point to Point Links
  11. Tutorial 11: Multiaccess Networks
  12. Tutorial 12: Telecommunications Services #1
  13. Tutorial 13: Telecommunications Services #2
  14. Tutorial 14: ASN.1 and BER Intro
  15. Tutorial 15: Network Management #1
  16. Tutorial 16: Network Management #2
  17. Tutorial 17: Network Security
  18. Tutorial 18: Network Security #2
  19. Tutorial 19: Electronic Data Interchange
  20. Tutorial 20: Client/Server Computing
  21. Tutorial 21: The Future...

Phil Scott