La Trobe University, Bendigo

Department of Information Technology

221205 Computing 205: Computer Network Architectures

2243CN IT8: Computer Communications and Networks

221406 Computing 406: Network Architecture

Subject Outline, Semester 1, 1996 (Version 1.1)

Topics expected to be covered in 1996 include, in no particular order:

Students should note that this unit is concerned with a very dynamic field, and that there will almost certainly be variations in topics covered, and on emphasis of individual topics from year to year. The assignments will give students an opportunity to explore interesting topics in more depth.

Students should also note that lectures in this subject will, in 1996, be held on Monday at 2pm, and Friday at 9am. This is important because there are two Monday public holidays and one Friday public holiday in first semester. Since there will only be a total of 23 lectures available, this will put some pressure on the range of topics which can be covered.

There will be a single 3 hour exam at the end of the semester, which will count for 60% of the marks in this unit[1]. Three (5%, 15% and 20%, due at the end of weeks 3, 7 and 13[2]) assignments will account for the remaining marks.



Stallings, W and Van Slyke, R, (1994) Business Data Communications, 2nd Ed, NY, Macmillan. ISBN 0-02-415433-4 (hardcover)


Stallings, W (1994) Data and Computer Communications, 4th Ed, NY, Macmillan. ISBN 0-02-415441-5 (hardcover)

Piscitello, D.M. & Chapin, A.L. (1993) Open Systems Networking: TCP/IP and OSI, Reading, Mass: Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-56334-7 (hardcover)

Comer, D.E, (1995) Internetworking with TCP/IP, Volume 1: Principles, Protocols and Achitecture, 3rd Ed, NJ, Prentice-Hall. ISBN 0-13-216987-8 (v.1)

Contact time:
2 hours lectures per week, 2 hours tutorial per week

Phil Scott, phone 447277, pscott@ironbark, office: B.1.11
[1] A subminimum of 40% of the possible exam mark (ie 24 out of 60) will apply to pass the subject

[2] Provisional due dates, subject to change. Exact details will be communicated shortly.