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SNMP Implementations

The CMU SNMPlib software is a set of Unix command-line tools which implement each of the four SNMP operations, plus some other useful functions. Examples of use of some of these tools include:
snmpget public system.sysDescr.0
snmpget public interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifOperStatus.3
snmpgetnext public system
More complex software systems permit regular monitoring of many variables. These have been developed into a variety of Network Operations Console software packages. Some examples include:
a free, graphically-oriented software system for use in Unix/X windows environments. Allows SNMP monitoring as well as Unix "rstat" and ICMP. Installed on the departmental SGI systems for your enjoyment.
a terminal-oriented tool with some superficial similarities to tkined.
SunNet Manager, HP OpenView, IBM NetView, etc
commercial software implementations of SNMP, often with many proprietory enhancements.

Lecture 23: Network Management #3 Copyright © 2004 P.Scott, La Trobe University Bendigo.

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