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Message Digests

A criticism of previous signature methods (such as that given on the previous slide) is that they combine both authentication and secrecy. If authentication only is desired, a message digest is a one-way hash function which has the following characteristics:

The Internet standard for message digests is the MD5 algorithm, invented by Rivest. Software implementations of this algorithm are widely available. MD5 produces a 128 bit (16 byte) message digest.
It is also possible to use public key cryptography to implement the message digest function. In this case, a sender first computes a message digest as above, then encrypts it using her private key, then finally appends this to the message as sent. A recipient can read the message, and can be confident that it originated from the sender.
We shall see more applications of Digital Signatures, and Public Key Crypto in general, when we look at technical aspects of E-Commerce a little later in the subject.

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