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Edge Systems and Reliable Transport

Recall from lecture 2:
  1. An edge system is any computer (host, printer, even a toaster...) which is "connected to" the Internet -- that is, it has access to the Internet's packet delivery system, but doesn't itself form part of that delivery system.
  2. A transport service provides communications between application processes running on edge systems. As we have already seen, application processes communicate with each another using application protocols such as HTTP and SMTP. The interface between an application process and the transport service is normally provided using the socket mechanism.

Most application protocols require reliable data transfer, which in the Internet is provided by the TCP transport service/protocol. Note: some applications do not require reliablity[1], so the unreliable UDP transport service/protocol is also provided as an alternative, see later.
[1] That is, it's not a problem for some data to fail to be delivered. The DNS is an example of such a protocol.
Lecture 11: Reliable Transport -- TCP Copyright © 2005 P.Scott, La Trobe University Bendigo.

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