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What is OSI?
...and why do I need to know about it?
- Because it's an important part of the history of computer
networks. It's also something you're likely to get asked about
in job interviews, which is where it really
- It's a genuine International Standard (ISO/IEC IS 7498:1993) of
the International Organisation for Standardisation and
International Electrotechnical Committee(ISO/IEC)
- Mechanism: working draft --> committee draft --> draft IS
--> IS, with ballots at each stage.
- Was adopted (in part) as the definitive standard for network
architectures by most western governments: GOSIP
- National policy to mandate an OSI subset (or profile) for
government systems, discontinued in 1994/5.
- Huge and complicated, never fully implemented anywhere (see
GOSIP, as above) although some portions are commercially
- Has had some influence on the Internet community: some upper
layer OSI protocols (eg X.500, X.509, ASN.1) have been adopted in
the Internet.
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