Request Headerstudent
", password
" -- pretty typical
. The concantenation is thus
". We can use the Unix
commandline base64 program mimencode
to encode
the data, (it encodes to
") so that the request
header will look something like:
This, of course, begs the obvious question -- why on earth do they do this? The obvious answer is "for security reasons" -- to deter casual network snoopers who might be observing traffic, watching for passing user-IDs and passwords. We are left wondering...GET /subjects/CN/test/index.html HTTP/1.0 Authorization: Basic c3R1ZGVudDpzdHVkZW50 ....etc....
Lecture 06: Applications #3.2: HTTP | Copyright © 2005 P.Scott, La Trobe University Bendigo. |