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Subject Offering

This subject is offered in conventional classroom mode at the Bendigo campus of La Trobe University, and this lecture concentrates on this offering. It is also offered at Nilai College in Malaysia, and may be offered in 2001 using La Trobe's new "Web-delivered" mode. For the past three years it's also been offered in our departments's unique "Internet-assisted" (Saturday class) mode, but this is discontinued in 2001.
When are the lectures?
Wednesday at 9am and Friday at 11am.
Can the lecture times be changed?
What happens with tutes?
You have to choose one tute to follow the Wednesday lecture (Group A tutes), and one for the Friday lecture (Group B tutes). Tutes always follow the lecture. This is a bit weird in practice, because it means that the four tutes on Tuesday cover the material in the preceding Friday lecture. You must register for the tutorials of your choice using our On-line Tute Registration System. Please use this facility, and report any problems which you may have with it. You need to know your LTU, Bendigo Unix/Novell login name and your student number for authentication using this system, but NOT your StudentOnLine ID and password.


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