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Digression: HTML
Although it is not "core" knowledge in this unit, we really need to
mention HTML. The following is a quick "mini-tutorial" on HTML for
the small proportion of students who have no experience in
HTML is a markup language.
- The structure of a HTML document (or Web page)
is described using embedded formatting codes (or
tags) intermingled with the information in the
- The HTML, the markup tags are delimited by the special
characters "
" and
". If either of these characters
must appear as part of the actual data, they are written as
< and > respectively.
- Philosophical note: it has been regarded as a mistake to use
HTML to strongly enforce a particular layout (or
appearance) of a document. One of the fundamental ideas of the Web
is that the document creator cannot control how the browser will
display it. Furthermore, defining only the document's structure
allows us to extract information in a way which would otherwise be
quite difficult. See also CSS, later.
- A HTML document is (despite sometimes looking rather
formidable) lines of plain ASCII text.
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