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State Maintenance - Cookies

Whilst hidden fields are a simple technique for state maintenance, they are not a general solution. A cookie is a small piece of information which a server can store "within" a Web browser. For example, the following segment of Perl CGI code sends a cookie:
print "Content-type: text/html", "\n";
print "Set-cookie: MeLove=Cookie%20Monster", "\n\n"
print "<HTML">; of Web page
This stores "MeLove=Cookie Monster" with the browser. The following Perl CGI code reads a cookie:
print "Cookie:", $ENV{'HTTP_COOKIE'}, "\n";
Each cookie can have several extra attributes:
this attribute is compulsory, and more than one is allowed. Both "Name" and "Value" can be any ASCII string.
defines the lifetime of the cookie. Default is the current browser session.
an Internet domain name to which this cookie may be sent.
defines the subset of URLs within a domain for which this cookie is valid and may be sent.


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