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Example: Telstra Internet Direct

It's obvious that selling "dumb" telecommunications services isn't the way to make a profit in the new Internet world! In about 1996 and 1997, all of the major telcos (or telecommunications providers - eg Telstra and C&W Optus in Australia) moved to begin providing IP service -- that is, to become NSPs/ISPs.
Telstra Corporation's permanent Internet service is offered as its Internet Direct (previously BigPond Direct) service. Pricing is based on a installation charge, a fixed monthly charge plus a data volume charge. In addition, customers must (usually) acquire an "Access Method", see below. On interesting observation on most Australian full-time Internet (IP) services in Australia is that pricing is based on a mix of monthly charges plus a cost for volume of data received and/or sent, perhaps with a no-fee threshold. This can be contrasted with the normal (traditional?) USA practice of charging on "pipesize" alone. This has some interesting implications, see lecture discussion...
Lecture 15: Internet Topology and Structure Copyright © 2004 P.Scott, La Trobe University Bendigo.

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