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Certificate Authorities and PKI

Most Web-based E-Commerce SSL sites purchase site certificates from a commercial provider such as Verisign, Thawte and many others. In future, a Public Key Infrastructure will be needed to manage aspects of certificate chains.
Certificate chain
More complex applications will involve certificates issued (for example) for use within an organisation, or department. In this case, a certificate is signed by its issuer. In order to establish the validity of the issuer's signature, the application may need to obtain the issuer's CA certificate as well, which is, in turn, signed by the next higher authority -- verifying a certificate chain. Note that the root CA is implicitly trusted -- as soon as the client software encounters a certificate signed by this CA, authentication is complete.
The protocols and procedures for issuing, managing and revoking signatures, certificates and registration authorities are still under development. Watch this space...

Lecture 18: Encryption #3 -- Practical Encryption Copyright © 2003 P.Scott, La Trobe University Bendigo.

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