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HTML Markups

It is possible to create perfectly useful Web documents using only a small fraction of the available HTML codes. Some of the more useful basic tags include:
HTML defines 6 levels of heading: <H1> through to <H6>. <H1> is the largest, and <H6> is the smallest.
Text Spacing
Use <P> to force a new paragraph, and <BR> to force a line break.
Severely overused! HTML allows both "logical" emphasis: <EM>text</EM> and <STRONG>text</STRONG>, as well as "physical" emphasis: <I>text</I> and <B>text</B>. Philosophical note: Use of the logical emphasis tags is usually recommended...
Preformatted text, etc
Use <kbd>text</kbd> to indicate "typewritten" text. The <CODE>text</CODE> tag is equivalent. Use <PRE>lines of text</PRE> for multi-line preformatted text.
Use <HR> to insert a horizontal line. Use <CITE>text</CITE> and/or <BLOCKQUOTE>text</BLOCKQUOTE> for quotations.


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