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More On Address Classes

The Internet address format can be described graphically:
IP address classes
Example 1:
in a class A network, only values from 00000000 to 01111111 are possible. Of these 128 combinations, 126 are permitted (networks 0 and 127 are reserved for other purposes). Hence there can only ever be 126 class A networks, each of which can have a huge number of hosts.
Example 2:
ironbark's IP address is This is a class B network (, and ironbark's host ID within this network is 21.60. Note that when we write an IP address with all-zeroes in the host part, we are referring to the "network number" itself.
Example 3: is a class C address. The network number is, and the host number is 5.

Network numbers above 223 are also reserved for special purposes, outside the scope of this subject.

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