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More Information
The following lectures are not explicitly
Lecture 1: Computer Networks
Lecture 2: A Network Architecture
Lecture 9: The Programming
Interface (all that sockets stuff, etc)
Lecture 25: The OSIRM in Brief, and Revision (ie, this lecture)
- The exam is worth 60% of the final assessment for the
- Note, also, that each question has many parts, and in some
cases, sub parts.
- Each of the parts/subparts is small, and carries between 2 and
6 marks. As usual, it's an exam which tests breadth of knowledge
more than depth. On the other hand, it's hard to really
stuff it up.
- It is in your interest to try and keep all the answers to each
question together in your answer booklet. Please.
If only for the sanity of the examiner...
- Revision:
- Old exam papers. Most important.
- Tutorial questions.
- Lecture notes.
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