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If You Enjoyed It...

Finally, the advertising.
Computer Networks is, more than anything, an overview subject. If you enjoyed this subject and you think you'd like to know more, you should investigate the following LTU, Bendigo IT subjects:
INT22DC: Data Communications

INT31WE: Web Engineering

INT32ENS: Encryption and Network Security

INT32WS: Web Services

INT32INW: Internetworking

Now the REAL advertising... This probably seems like "just another subject" while you're at Uni, and it is. But the career opportunities in this area are huge. Do not underestimate the value of what you've learnt this semester -- it could be worth heaps to you!
Lecture 25: The OSIRM in Brief, also Revision and Exam Preview Copyright © 2005 P.Scott, La Trobe University Bendigo.
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Copyright © 2005 by Philip Scott, La Trobe University.
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