INT20CN Computer Networks Tutorial Booking
You must register to attend tutorials in Computer Networks. You have to
choose one tutorial from group A, and one from group B. Note that the
these groups have nothing whatsoever to do with the
groups given on the official timetable (where there are groups A, B, C
D and E). The two groups on this page refer to the lecture which they
follow: group A tutes (which are on Wednesday and Thursday) follow the
9am Wednesday lecture and group B tutes (which are all on Tuesday)
follow the 11am Friday lecture from the previous week.
Note that the tutorial times are not given in any
particular order within each group. Note also that if a desired tutorial
does not appear as an option in the list, it's already full, and no
more places are available in that class.
Please select your desired tutorial sessions
This system has a built-in timeout of 10 minutes: if
you haven't booked your tutorial within that period of time, you will
have to start all over again.