BITCNE: Computer Networks
Computer Networks - Saturday Group Information

This page is always under revision, check back frequently

BITCNE: Computer Networks is offered in our unique "Internet-assisted" mode, as well as in a conventional weekday "lecture and tutorial" mode. Students taking the subject in Internet-assisted mode work through the material in the subject Web pages, and attend a fortnightly Saturday afternoon tutorial/revision session at the Bendigo campus. Attendance is not compulsory, but is probably not a bad idea.

The Saturday tutorials are held in the "New Business Building" on the La Trobe University, Bendigo campus, from 1pm until 4pm. They are normally in room B1.32 -- any changes to the room will be announced on the day with posters and the like. Please enter the building through the automatic sliding doors, since the others remain security locked (card access only) over the weekend.

New!Dates for Saturday Tutorials, 2000

26th February
This is an information only meeting. The purpose of this session is simply to introduce ourselves and talk about how the subseqent meetings will be organised. Attendance is not compulsory (and, if you have to come from a long way away, probably inadvisable!), although if you can't get there and you intend coming to subsequent saturday classes I'd appreciate an email so that I know who you are and can tell you about any last minute changes, etc.
BTW: I've had at least one email already with a bad "Reply-to" address, so if you're the person expecting something back from me, perhaps it'd be worth trying again!
4th March
Material to be covered: Tutorial 1 only.
18th March
Material to be covered: Tutes 2, 3 4 and 5, This class taken by Joel Sing.
1st April
Material to be covered: Tutes 6, 7 8 and 9.
15th April
Material to be covered: Tutes 10, 11 12 and 13.
13th May
Material to be covered: Tutes 14, 15 16 and 17.
27th May
Material to be covered: to follow

Other Technologies

Watch this space for announcements of interesting developments in using the Web (and other aspects of the Internet) for teaching and learning about Computer Networks.

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