La Trobe University, Bendigo

Department of Information Technology

INT21/31[B]CN: Computer Networks

Assignment 3, 2005

Your task in this assignment is to investigate ONE ONLY of the following topics in computer network architecture, and submit a report/essay on your findings. Most of the questions are fairly "open-ended", so it'll be easy to do too much! Keep reminding yourself that you only have to write a maximum of 2000 words for the assignment. You must also remember to correctly reference your information sources!

Note also that additional topics might appear on this page as they are suggested to us. It could be worth checking back regularly if you don't like any of those given below.

You can submit your assignment in either traditional hard copy (paper) form, or as an email attachment of MIME type text/html sent to Your choice of submission format will not affect the mark gained for your assignment. Submissions must, as usual, adhere to the requirements of the La Trobe University, Bendigo Assignment Guide.

Students are reminded of the University's policy on plagiarism. This will be applied in this and all other assignments in Computer Networks.

This assignment carries 20% of your mark for Computer Networks.

Due Date:3rd June, 2005 (end of semester 1)

Lecturer: Phil Scott, 5444 7277,

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