Note: most recent messages appear first on this page.
9th May 2005: Assignment 3 Now Available
5th May 2005: POP Access to
Not Working
In regard the POP question on assignment 2,we have received an email from ITS staff stating that "POP is no longer implemented for student mail.". We have replied asking whether this a permanent arrangement, and requesting that it be fixed but we're not holding our breath. In other words, students who want to demonstrate POP for the second assignment will need to find theselves another server. Hint: some (but not all) Web-based email services permit POP access to your mailbox.
22nd April 2005: Assignment 2 Now Available
Assignment 2isnow available. Bendigo students: use the Anzac week break to get this out of the way. It should not take you more than a couple of hours.17th April 2005: NO Classes, Week Beginning 25th April
Because Monday, 25th April 2005 is the Anzac Day (see also here and here) public holiday, we will not have our normal evening class lectures (or tutes) on that day. Hence, there will be no classes at all in Computer Networks for the week commencing Monday 25th April 2005.
7th April 2005: Assignment Submission Auto-reply Not Working
The "auto-reply" function for the cnsubmit
address is out of action, and we don't have a timetable for getting it
working again. If you've submitted your first
assignment and didn't get a "bounce" (ie, your message was
delivered) then be assured that it has been
16th March 2005: Tutorial Timetable Change
The tutorial at 9am on Wednesday has a new room. Previously this tute was in EDU225, but from Wednesday 23rd March it will be held in IBC105 -- one of the two Ironbark Centre tute rooms. Note also: this is the tute that was originally scheduled for 11am Wednesday.