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Computer Networks HomeWelcome to the Home Page of the La Trobe University, Bendigo subjects Computer Networks (INT21CN) and Business Computer Networks (INT31BCN). This subject presents an overview of network technologies, in a "top-down" fashion, using the Internet family of protocols (sometimes loosely called "TCP/IP") as the basis of our study.Computer Networks runs each year as a first-semester (March until June) subject at both La Trobe University, Bendigo and at Nilai College, Malaysia (as CSC451). It also runs occasionally at other times at Australian Campus Network and Asia Pacific Management Institute in Singapore. Information for Bendigo StudentsAssignment 3 Now AvailableAssignment 3 is now available. Due date is the last Friday of semester, 3rd June 2005.POP Access to
In regard the POP question on assignment
2,we have received an email from ITS staff stating that "POP
is no longer implemented for student mail.". We have replied
asking whether this a permanent arrangement, and requesting that it be
fixed but we're not holding our breath. In other words, students who
want to demonstrate POP for the second assignment will need to find
theselves another server. Hint: some (but not all) Web-based email
services permit POP access to your mailbox.