La Trobe University, Bendigo

Department of Computer Science & Computer Engineering (Bendigo)

INT21CN, INT31CN, INT31BCN: Computer Networks

Subject Outline and Schedule, Semester 1, 2005

Overview and Philosophy
This subject is provides a "top-down" overview of the technology and design of computer networking systems. We begin with network applications and application protocols, then progress "downwards" through the various "layers" -- transport, network, link and, finally, physical. Then in (approximately) the second half of the unit we cover a range of "miscellaneous" topics, principally encryption, network security and network management. The Internet ("TCP/IP") protocols are used exclusively: it's fair to say that the Internet is now "The Only Game In Town", and other protocol architectures are nowadays of purely historical interest.
Lecture Content:
The subject material is presented in a sequence of 25 lectures[1]. Topics covered in 2005 include:
  • Overview of computer networks: layered models, functional description of the layers. The role of de jure and de facto standards.
  • Internet application protocols: telnet, HTTP, SMTP, etc.
  • Overview of the Internet transport service, TCP.
  • Technical aspects of the Internet: IP, routers, DNS.
  • Overview of network technologies.
  • Commercial telecommunications services and charging models.
  • Introduction to encryption technologies and their application.
  • Introduction to network security issues and firewalls.
  • Network management, including SNMP and introduction to ASN.1. Network management software tools.
The canonical Internet URL for this subject is:
Nil. There is no single textbook, as such, for this unit. Instead, a variety of sources, both printed and on-line, will be used.

The following are listed in order of relevance to the subject. This is not an exhaustive list -- many, many books cover our subject area.

Kurose, James F. & Ross, Keith W. (2003) Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet 2/e, Pearson Education Inc. ISBN 0-201-97699-4. The older (2001, Addison-Wesley) edition of this text may also be available (especially 2nd hand) and is a suitable substitute. Note:

  • Students who wish to purchase a text for Computer Networks should buy this book. However, be aware that we do not work through the book in "traditional" textbook style -- instead, we use it as a principle reference for most (but not all) topics. You are not required to buy this book.
  • The companion Website for these books (edition 1 and 2) requires a username and password which you obtain using a registration code hidden under a scratch panel in the front of the book. In the previous edition this expired after a few months, so that anyone buying a secondhand copy would not have access to the site. This may have changed in the current edition, caveat emptor.

Comer, D.E, (1999) Computer Networks and Internets 2/e NJ, Prentice-Hall. ISBN 0-13-084222-2. Now available: 3rd edition.

Stallings, W (1994) Data and Computer Communications, 5th Ed NY, Macmillan. ISBN 0-02-415441-5 (hardcover).

Comer, D.E, (1995) Internetworking with TCP/IP, Volume 1: Principles, Protocols and Achitecture, 3rd Ed NJ, Prentice-Hall. ISBN 0-13-216987-8 (v.1)

Tanenbaum, A.S. (1996) Computer Networks, 3rd Ed NJ, Prentice-Hall. ISBN 0-13-394248-1

Contact time:
At Bendigo: 2 hours lectures per week, 2 hours tutorial per week. This may be different in other instances of the subject. Bendigo tutorial registration is conducted "on-line" via a CGI-based system which will be activated after the first lecture.
Subject Coordinator (and Lecturer at Bendigo session):
Phil Scott, phone +61 3 5444 7277, email, office: B1.10 (Bendigo Campus)
There will be a single 2.5 hour exam at the end of the semester, which will count for 60% of the marks in this unit[2]. Three (5%, 15% and 20%, due at the end of weeks 6, 9 and 13[3]) assignments will account for the remaining marks.
All student assignments must comply with the University's policy on plagiarism, available at
For Bendigo students: it is a policy of the Department that all email communication regarding academic matters should be conducted using your Student Online email address.
  • Please ensure that mobile phones are switched off or otherwise silenced in lectures and tutorials.
  • Please do not conduct private conversations in the lectures -- it's really annoying to others in the room. Attendance is not compulsory for most Bendigo students, so if you wish to chat to friends, do so elsewhere.

[1] At Bendigo in 2005 the lectures will be presented in a two-hour block on Monday evening at 5pm. The 25 lecture sequence includes an intial introductory meeting, and a revision lecture. However, this semester we will lose one Monday evening class due to the Anzac Day public holiday. This means that there will be no classes in this subject in the week beginning 25th April, and we will probably have an extended class on the last Monday evening of semester, on the 30th of May.
[2] These weightings are different where the subject is taken other than at the Bendigo campus of La Trobe University -- in particular, at Nilai and ACN the assignments total 30% and the final exam is worth 70%. A subminimum (hurdle) of 40% of the possible exam mark may also apply to pass the subject in some instances.
[3] Provisional due dates, subject to change. Exact submission dates will be notified.