INT21CN: Computer Networks Lectures

INT21CN: Computer Networks

"Danm tpyos." - Hank Leininger



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Computer Networks Lecture Notes

Topic 0
Lecture 1 (Introduction To INT21CN Computer Networks) [single document] [slide show]
Lecture 2 (Network Architectures) [single document] [slide show]
Topic 1
Application Protocols
Lecture 3 (Introduction to Internet Applications, Telnet) [single document] [slide show]
Lecture 4 (Electronic Mail: formats and protocols) [single document] [slide show]
Lecture 5 (HTML and HTTP Basics) [single document] [slide show]
Lecture 6 (HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) in detail) [single document] [slide show]
Lecture 7 (HTTP/1.1 Introduction) [single document] [slide show]
Lecture 8 (Web Commerce Issues) [single document] [slide show]
Lecture 9 (Socket Programming Interface) [single document] [slide show]
Lecture 10 (Domain Name System, DNS) [single document] [slide show]
Topic 2
Network Technology
Lecture 11 (Reliable Transport -- TCP) [single document] [slide show]
Lecture 12 (IP Addressing) [single document] [slide show]
Lecture 13 (IP and Internetworks) [single document] [slide show]
Lecture 14 (Multiaccess Networks) [single document] [slide show]
Lecture 15 (Point-to-Point Data Links) [single document] [slide show]
Lecture 16 (Internet Topology and Structure) [single document] [slide show]
Topic 3
Lecture 17 (Introduction to Encryption: Single Key Systems) [single document] [slide show]
Lecture 18 (Public Key Encryption) [single document] [slide show]
Lecture 19 (Practical Encryption) [single document] [slide show]
Lecture 20 (Network Security) [single document] [slide show]
Topic 5
Network Management
Lecture 21 (Network Management #1) [single document] [slide show]
Lecture 22 (Network Management #2) [single document] [slide show]
Lecture 23 (Network Management #3) [single document] [slide show]
Topic 4
Miscellaneous Topics
Lecture 24 (Data Formats and Encoding -- A Philosophy Lecture) [single document] [slide show]
Lecture 25 (Revision and Exam Preview) [single document] [slide show]
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