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Lecture #03
Lecture 3: Applications #1: Intro and Telnet
Digression #1: RFCs and Internet Documentation
In this subject, we concentrate fairly heavily on the protocols and
architectures used in the global Internet.
Every aspect of the Internet is documented in a series of documents
called "RFCs" (Request For Comment). RFCs are the means by which new
technologies are introduced in the Internet: after suitable research
work has been done, the new proposals are published as an RFC. On the
other hand, some RFCs document standard Internet protocols. RFCs are
usually in plain text form.
Once an RFC is published, it is not changed. However, it may be
"obsoleted" by later work. Unfortunately, there is no easy way to
"browse" RFCs to discover which RFC is the latest on a particular
topic, although there are various Web Indexes which can be
useful[1]. All
RFCs are available on-line on the Internet. In Australia, they are
available at several sites: in particular your lecturer's favourite
(and fastest) RFC archives are at: -- probably of historical interest only
You will probably (later) need to learn how to download RFCs to answer
some of the assignment questions.
[1] See, for example, the excellent indexes
Application Protocols
Application protocols define the way in the TCP reliable service can be
used to achieve network-based computing. Because applications can
assume reliability, their protocols can be relatively simple.
Most Internet application protocols use commands (and, in some cases,
responses) in a human-readable form. They normally also use plain ASCII
text (see later) where possible. This makes debugging
the protocols quite straightfoward in most cases.
Some application protocols include:
- Telnet
- provides remote login allowing a user to log in
to a remote computer
as though it was local. We examine Telnet in this lecture.
- (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is the Internet electronic mail
delivery protocol. We look at electronic mail in our next lecture.
- (File Transfer Protocol) is used to copy files from one system to
- (HyperText Transfer Protocol) is the protocol basis of the World
Wide Web.
Remote Login
Remote login means to "log in"[2] to a
remote computer (or, to use the historical term, a "host") as though it
were local.
- The idea of "remote login", as opposed to "local login" is
significant in the history of computing. Originally, all
"logins" were local -- a user
"logged in" at a basic command-line text display terminal
which was directly connected to a hardware port on a
multi-user host computer -- what we would nowadays call a
"mainframe". When the Internet's predecessor ARPANET was
being developed, this was viewed as its likely main application.
- If the host was connected to a network, remote login
allowed users
to log in to other networked hosts over the network as though their
terminal was directly connected to the remote machine. Either way,
the idea of "logging
in" is still based on getting a command line shell
on the target system. On our Unix systems, we nowadays talk about a
shell window, which performs this function.
- Some systems do not (even now) support remote login, in most cases
because they don't support a decent "command-line" interface to
the operating system.
- Different operating systems have (or used to have... ) quite
different procedures for handling local logins, making the problem
of providing a generic remote login facility (potentially) quite
[2] There's no universal agreement on whether
we should use the words "log in", "login" or even "logon".
Wikipedia, for example, considers
them as
Telnet is the basic
remote login protocol, and is supported on virtually all time-shared
operating systems.
Basic Telnet operation:
- The user invokes the telnet client process, usually by name from
the command line, eg:
telnet redgum
Once running, the client process then establishes a TCP connection to
the desired telnet server, which is "waiting for connections" at the
well-known port 23 -- note that we are again ignoring the question of
how the human-readable name "redgum" gets translated to a network address, see
later. If you like, you could simply replace the word "redgum" with
its IP address,
- In the case of Unix, the telnet server connects the incoming
connection to a variation of the standard "login" process on the
server host. This may work differently on other systems.
- The user's keystrokes are transmitted to the remote server, and
output is displayed on the user's screen. Thus, initially the user
can "log in", and once authenticated (using a username/password
pair) has a normal shell, or command line interface, on the remote
Digression #2: ASCII Text
Fundamental idea: the most basic unit of data is the byte
-- virtually all computers (and network systems) handle data one byte
at a time. Recall that a byte is an 8-bit quantity and thus can take any
value between zero and 255decimal.
US-ASCII (or, just
"ASCII") was the first widely accepted data
representation system, and is universally recognised. In its
traditional form, it's a 7-bit code, meaning that if an ASCII message
is stored or carried in a modern byte-oriented system, the Most
Significant Bit (MSB) of every byte will always be zero. For
this reason, ASCII messages are sometimes called "7-bit data". An
ASCII-valued byte has traditionally been called a "character", and
obviously takes any value between zero and 127.
Within the ASCII "character set" there is a further subdivision:
- Printable ASCII
- characters with values between
32 (the ASCII "space" character) and 127 (the "DEL"
character). This includes all of the uppercase and lowercase letters,
the digits and the punctuation characters. DEL is not normally
regarded as printable, so we refer to this as the "95 printable
ASCII character" set.
- Control Characters
- character values between zero
and 31. These were originally designed for a range of "official
functions", most of which are now irrelevant.
Telnet NVT
The telnet protocol
defines a "Network Virtual
Terminal" (NVT) that provides a standard interface to remote
systems, regardless of their particular approach to terminal login. A
telnet implementation (client or server) maps the semantics of local
terminal operation to the NVT before sending data over the connection.
Some aspects of the NVT include:
- The basic unit of transmission is the "line of text" -- ideal for
command-line interfaces.
- An NVT text line contains only standard printable US-ASCII characters,
terminated by an NVT "newline" indicator.
- The NVT "newline" or "line ending" indicator is the two-character
sequence: carriage return, decimal 13 followed by
linefeed, decimal 10. Traditionally this has been
written as <CR><LF>[3]. A
telnet implementation "maps" the "enter" or "return" key to this
sequence before sending the line of text over the TCP
- The telnet NVT has a few other interesting characterictics: it
assigns special meaning to a few other ASCII control codes, permits
certain "out of band" commands to be sent to the remote host, and
has facilities for "Option Negotiation".
[3] The "angle brackets" here (ie,
and >
) were traditionally used to indicate an
ASCII control
character. They are now so commonly used in HTML markup (see later)
that this older usage is disappearing.
Other Aspects of Remote Login
Programs which implement the telnet protocol are widely (and freely)
available, and telnet is much used.
The BSD version of Unix introduced (in the mid 1980s) a remote login
utility with enhanced characteristics called "rlogin.
" Some
of its features are:
- It supports the idea of "trusted" hosts, whereby a remote login
request from a trusted host (providing the usernames match) is not
re-authenticated. This can be administered on a per-host basis
) or a per-user basis
- rlogin exports the user's local "login environment" to the remote
host, so that an rlogin session can look almost identical to a
local login.
Nowadays, computer users who wish to use remote login facilities
normally use a "secure" software package such as "ssh
" (for
"Secure SHell"). This software encrypts (for security, see later) and
compresses the data (for efficiency) before sending it to the remote
host. If you actually want to do remote login nowadays,
you should always use
Telnet as a "Debugging Weapon"
A telnet program can be used to connect to other services than the
standard telnet (ie, login) server at port 23. Most telnet
implementations allow the user to specify a port number on the command
line, and will open a TCP connection to that port. This can be very
useful in debugging communications protocols.
The reason this works is that virtually all "traditional" Internet
application protocols are based on the telnet idea of
exchanging lines of text[4]. In fact, as we shall see, they usually
use the telnet NVT specification.
In this subject, we will use telnet to demonstrate the operation of
various Internet application protocols. For example, to investigate the
Internet "email delivery" protocol SMTP (see next lecture) we could do:
telnet redgum 25
A final comment: telnet is a valuable tool to learn about network
applications. In fact, it's so powerful that in some educational
institutions, possession of a copy of telnet is regarded as prima
facie evidence of intending to "hack into" computer systems... Be
[4] In some cases this is only true for
"commands" and "responses" -- so-called "8-bit data" can subsequently
be transferred.
The tutorial for this lecture is
Tutorial #03.
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Copyright © 2005 by
Philip Scott,
La Trobe University.