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Lecture #16
Lecture 16: Internet Topology and Structure
"Leased Lines" and Router Interconnections
Revision (yet again!):
- The Internet is composed of many networks and/or subnets
interconnected by routers.
- Where the networks and/or subnets to be connected are not
geographically adjacent, it is common for a permanent
point-to-point link to be used. The historical
terminology for a full-time telecommunications interconnect of this
kind is a "leased line"[1]. The name derives from the ancient
technology of renting a permanently connected "phone line" plus the
necessary modems at each end.
- Historically, a point-to-point inter-router link was normally a
separate subnet -- one with only two IP addresses
Organisations which wish to establish full-time links to the Internet
for their internal networks need to establish a router-to-router link
to another router which has Internet access. This can
be done "cooperatively", where one Internet-connected organisation
allows another to establish a link to its network, but nowadays is most
commonly done by dealing directly with an Internet Service
Provider (ISP).
The traditional "leased line" provides a so-called basic carriage
service. Such services are not, in general, very profitable for
a telecommunications company.
Example: Early AARNet
The Australian Academic and
Research Network (AARNet), connecting all Australian universities
and several research establishments, was originally established (circa
1990) with a state-level router in each Australian capital city
connecting via leased-line services to the main AARNet hub router in
Melbourne. Another leased-line link ran from this router to the USA[2]
In this architecture, AARNet retained ownership of all of the routers,
and the involvement of the prime telecommunications provider (at that
time, Telstra) was limited to providing basic carriage service. Thus,
Internet access between universities in Australia originally followed,
to some extent, the cooperative model.
This architecture has now been replaced by a model whereby an C&W Optus operates as an
Internet Service Provider, connecting Regional
Networks (eg, the VRN in
Victoria) in each state to each other and to the Australian and
International Internet.
For more information, Roger Clarke has
written an excellent history
of AARNet.
Modern Internet Structure
The Internet in the USA has always used a backbone
topology, with the National Science Foundation Network (NSFNET)
providing the original backbone network.
In 1995, this structure was privatised, with a variety of commercial
organisations (National Service Providers (NSPs))
taking over the backbone functionality. Interconnections between these
organisations occur at a number of Network Access Points
(NAPs). A NAP can be independently owned. NSPs are said to
peer with other NSPs at the NAPs, with (apparently)
complex financial and/or cooperative arrangments in place to "carry
each other's packets". The worldwide Internet is now structured
similarly. We have:
NSPs (or tier-1 providers) provide ISP service to Regional
Internet Service Providers (or tier-2 providers) -- ie, R-ISPs
are customers of NSPs. R-ISPs can also negotiate
private peering agreements, as indicated in the
diagram. Retail (also called access, local, or tier-3) ISPs generally
are clients of a Regional ISP and offer dial-in (and possibly
permanent) services to the public. At each level, we say that a
provider has a Point of Presence (POP) at a physical
location if customers can connect to it at that location.
Note that the distinction between each of these classes of provider
can become rather blurred, especially in Australia!
Permanent Internet Connections for Business
A typical full-time business (or home!) connection to the Internet
- Choosing an ISP who offers permanent Internet access at a
reasonable pricing plan (with "livable" download limits...) in the
geographical area where the business is located -- ie, one which
has a local POP.
- Choosing the basic-carriage technology (or "leased-line"
technology) which they will use to facilitate the data connection
to the ISP. In Australia, this is separated from the ISP charge
because, for traditional communications services like the PSTN,
Telstra has an effective monopoly, since it owns virtually all of
the local loops. One of the conditions of Telstra's
semi-privatisation was that "value-added" competitors would have
equal access to the basic network. This restriction is removed in
situations where the Telstra monopoly doesn't apply. A good example
is Cable TV-based access technologies.
- Managing several other issues, such as the purchase of a suitable
modem/router (which could be a dedicated box, or an ordinary
computer system running appropriate software), registering and
delegating a domain name, assigning IP addresses, setting up
necessary servers and lots more.
Example: Telstra Internet Direct
It's obvious that selling "dumb" telecommunications services isn't the
way to make a profit in the new Internet world! In about 1996 and 1997,
all of the major telcos (or telecommunications providers - eg Telstra
and C&W Optus in Australia) moved to begin providing IP
service -- that is, to become NSPs/ISPs.
Telstra Corporation's permanent Internet service is offered as its Internet
Direct (previously BigPond Direct) service. Pricing is
based on a installation charge, a fixed monthly charge plus a data
volume charge. In addition, customers must (usually) acquire an "Access
Method", see below.
On interesting observation on most Australian full-time Internet (IP)
services in Australia is that pricing is based on a mix of monthly
charges plus a cost for volume of data received and/or
sent, perhaps with a no-fee threshold. This can be contrasted with the
normal (traditional?) USA practice of charging on "pipesize" alone.
This has some interesting implications, see lecture discussion...
"Access" Technologies
Access (or, more traditionally "leased line") service can be provided
by a variety of technologies[3]:
- Traditionally: a permanently connected (or "nailed up") 'phone line
and two modems -- in Australia, the ancient DATEL service worked
this way. Bit rates up to 72kbps were available. Note that the term
"nailed up" has survived to this day to describe any permanently
available data circuit. Many businesses use a modern-day equivalent
of this technology by taking advantage of Australia's "untimed
local call" charging scheme, using a dial-in modem but holding the
connection permanently open.
- DDS was an early (and fiendishly expensive) digital "leased line"
service in Australia, with bit rates between 2400 and 48kbps. The
original AARNet was based
on this service. It's no longer available.
- DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) technologies are rapidly becoming the
most common access method used by small and medium-sized businesses
in Australia.
- ISDN-based services. For example, a Telstra ISDN service can
dedicate one or more B Channels as a permanently available data
link, see later.
- Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) and Frame Relay services,
satellite, wireless, etc, etc...
For lots of tutorial information, see Telstra's information page at
Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Technologies
ADSL and SDSL are relatively new access technologies, based on the use
of unused communications bandwidth in the wire "local loop" used to
provide basic analog telephone service. DSL offers possible data rates
from several hundred kbps up to the low Mbps range.
One difference between DSL services and other types is that, due to the
way commercial access to telephone exchange DSL equipment is
structured, ISPs can charge a single monthly fee including both "Basic
Access" and Internet charges.
The system diagram looks like:
Aspects of this will be discussed in the lecture.
ISDN Primary Rate Access
ISDN Primary Rate Access product (eg Telstra OnRamp30)
gives 30 x B channels, at 64kbps each and an additional 64 kbps D (or
signalling) channel, conceptually:
The number of B channels can be increased in multiples of 10. The
NT2 (typically a PABX) connects to a special OnRamp NT1, at a point
called the T interface. An S interface can be provided on the customer
side of the NT2.
Note that in the USA and Japan, the primary rate service is instead
20B+D over a 1.544 Mbps (called a T1) bearer.
Where all of the available B channels are dedicated as a "leased line"
point-to-point data service, users refer to an E1 (2Mbps) or T1
connection speed.
Frame Relay and ATM Access
Frame Relay and ATM are specialised types of access (data) service
which have only recently become available in Australia,(some capital
cities only) from the major suppliers. They provide higher data rate
access, typically from a few Mbps up to 155Mbps for ATM.
Frame Relay "Committed Information Rates"
Access to a frame relay network is typically available at a "port
speeds" of 2Mbps. The port speed is the rate of the point-to-point
physical link between a user's premises and the frame relay service.
Internally, the frame relay network is engineered on the basis that not
all nodes will continuously attempt to transmit at their full port
speed all of the time. In fact, each port is only guaranteed reliable
service at an agreed "Committed Information Rate"
(CIR). This is typically much less than the actual port speed, even
down to 0bps. It is possible for a frame relay user to transmit up to
the port speed -- in other words, continuously. However, the network is
engineered so that reliable frame delivery becomes less and less
probable as the average offered data rate rises above the CIR:
ultimately, the network is permitted to drop frames.
ATM Service
ATM service is commonly used as an "integrated" (data/voice/video)
service connecting multiple sites of larger businesses. A "virtual
circuit" (perhaps of specified "sustained information rate" (SIR)) is
configured within the ATM network, terminating at the ISPs POP. Use of
technologies such as this only make sense in terms of an overal
"communications architecture" for an organisation.
Useful links
Kim Davies' Australian ISP List has
details of all (known) ISPs operating in Australia.
Telstra Bigpond
NSFNET history
Ameritech's Chicago NAP
Links to Internet History pages
Another bit of NSFNET
The newsgroup
sometimes has interesting discussions about Internet access in
The tutorial for this lecture is
Tutorial #16.
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Copyright © 2005 by
Philip Scott,
La Trobe University.