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Lecture #14
Lecture 14: Multiaccess Networks
Network Technology
- The Internet is composed of many interconnected networks
and/or subnets.
- Networks and subnets are interconnected by routers.
In today's lecture we investigate the technology of networks -- that
is, the technology used to physically connect a group of computers.
Most networks (sometimes called LANs) have the
following characteristics:
- Usually employ some form of shared medium -- the
networked systems all "see" one another's transmissions. This is
much less true than it once was, but the core technology is designed
around the assumption of a shared medium.
- Data rates are high, usually at least 10Mbps (ie, 10 million bits
per second -- data is always transmitted "serially", or one bit at
a time), commonly 100Mbps, occasionally 1Gbps.
- Privately owned; no involvement of public telcommunications
providers, usually limited geographical area such as campus,
business premises, etc.
Ethernet (also known as IEEE 802.3 and ISO 88023) is the dominant LAN
technology at present. Ethernet defines a Medium Access
Control (MAC) technology for operation over various types of
cabling in a bus architecture.
Until recently[1], the predominant form
of Ethernet used so-called
thin wire coaxial[2]
cabling. A typical installation might have looked like:
Whilst this is no longer the most common hardware used for
Ethernet/802.3, it exemplifies the shared medium idea
that it is based on. Note the use of "T-connectors" on each computer,
and the "Terminators" at each end of the network.
[1] OK it's not so recent. Basically
this cabling technology was no longer being installed by about the
[2] Historical note: this was also called
"cheapernet" or "10Base2". Exercise: cheaper than what?
CSMA/CD Medium Access Control (MAC)
This is an algorithm (implemented in the network-card hardware) which
defines how computers using Ethernet/802.3 can efficiently share a
common medium: Carrier Sense, Multiple Access, with Collision
- Multiple Access
- All computers have equal access: there are no masters or
slaves, etc. If the shared channel is clear (ie, not in use), a
computer may begin to transmit immediately.
- Carrier Sense
- If the channel is busy, continue to "listen", and attempt to
transmit as soon as it becomes available.
- Collision Detection
- If a collision is detected (ie, another
computer started to transmit at the same time, so the signal is
garbled), immediately cease transmission. Wait a random period
of time, then start all over.
Ethernet/802.3 Repeaters
A group of computers connected to a thin-wire (coax) Ethernet cable was
called a segment, thus:
A thin wire (coaxial cable) segment had a maximum length of 185 metres,
plus a few other rules as to numbers of machines, and
the distance between them. The 185m segment length can be
extended using a repeater[3],
which behaves somewhat like a bi-directional amplifier. The resulting
extended LAN acts like a single larger segment, and is referred to as a
"collision domain", because every computer in each of
the component segments still "sees" everyone else's tranmissions.
[3] a maximum of 4 repeaters was permitted
between any two stations on the network.
Twisted Pair (10BaseT) Ethernet
For various reasons[4], this is now the
preferred Ethernet technology. In this system, stations are "star-wired"
to a central hub, using a high-performance 4-pair twisted
pair cable, thus:
The hub acts as a repeater, so whilst this superficially looks like a
group of point-to-point links, all stations still "see" each other's
transmissions, just the same as the coax-cable bus topology. In other
words, it's still a "shared medium" network, and the attached computers
still occupy a single collision domain.
The cable is usually "Category-5" (always abbreviated to "Cat5")
unshielded twisted pair (UTP) or better, although
the older, lower performance Cat-3 cable is also sometimes encountered.
In practice, there are various hardware technologies
involved in a typical installation: in-wall fixed wiring, patch cables,
patch panels, etc. There are also strong limits on "cable-run" lengths.
[4] We will discuss these reasons in
the tute.
Ethernet/802.3 Frames
Data on an Ethernet is transmitted in frames:
- Preamble
- 7 bytes of
This is used to
synchronise the receiver.
- Start Of Frame
- 1 byte, thus:
- Source and Destination Address
- each 6 bytes (48 bits!), and are uniquely
assigned by IEEE. This is called a station's MAC
address (or MAC-level address). All stations on a
segment examine the destination address of all frames to see if
it was addressed to them.
- Type field
- indicates which higher-level protocol created this frame, eg
for IP. In 802.3 (rarely used to carry IP
packets) this field gives the length (in bytes) of the data
- Data field
- between 46 and 1500 bytes of data. NB: minimum frame size is
thus 64 bytes. The data field usually contains an IP datagram.
Ethernet/802.3 Switches
An Ethernet switch has a similar function to a hub
(see earlier) -- switches are sometimes called
"switching hubs".
The difference is that a switch examines the MAC-level destination
address of every frame it receives, and transfers it directly to the
appropriate port, without other ports being involved in, or aware of,
the communication. Many such transfers can occur simultaneously, which
has the effect of increasing overall "system" throughput. Typical
switches can also do full-duplex transfers,
simultaneously transmitting and receiving frames.
- Note:
- A switch builds a table mapping source addresses
to ports, which it subsequently uses to make switching decisions.
Switches are significantly more complex than simple hubs, however,
as with all technologies, they have now replaced them in the
Philsophical note: it's interesting that switches
essentially remove the possibility of collisions. We should therefore
imagine that network hardware is no longer executing the CSMA/CD
protocol, because a host can send a frame at any time. This is ony
partly true -- collisions can, in fact, still occur, and the important
point is that an Ethernet switch can still
interoperate with older, non-switching hardware. The
retention of the same frame format is an important
aspect of this interoperability.
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
Recall that IP datagrams are forwarded over networks from host to
router, router to router and router to host, and that every host and
router has (at least one) unique IP address. From today's lecture, we
also see that they also have a separate, unique MAC
address -- used to address frames in the network.
The Address Resolution Protocol provides a mapping
between IP addresses and MAC addresses. For example, in the case of IP
local delivery (see earlier) the router or host knows
the IP address of the destination machine, and also knows (from
examination of the network/subnet address) that it is connected to the
same network. In order to deliver the datagram, it:
- First broadcasts an ARP-request.
In effect, the broadcast asks (eg) "Which one of you
guys is".
- The host whose IP address is
replies with its MAC address.
- The datagram is then encapsulated into a frame with the correct
destination MAC address and placed "on the wire". The destination
system notes its own MAC address as the frame's destination and
picks up the frame, delivering the datagram to the IP software.
Systems which use IP keep an ARP cache of recent
IP-to-MAC mappings to avoid the need for repeated ARP-requests. This
"ARP Table" can usually be examined by the system manager. ARP is
considered to be the "last hop" routing protocol for IP packets.
Newer Technologies
- 100 Mbps Ethernet (100baseT)
- so-called "Fast Ethernet".
- Modern switches have at least one 100BaseT port, and 100BaseT
hubs are also invariably switches.
- Modern "Ethernet cards" are usually auto-detecting "10/100Mbps"
and will run at 100Mbps if possible.
- "Full-duplex" systems can simultaneously send and receive
at 100Mbps.
- Requires Cat5 cable as a minimum, and is commonly used over
dual fibres instead of UTP, giving a distance advantage.
- Fibre Distributed Data Interface
- FDDI operates at 100 Mbps. It has been the Big New Thing for
more than a decade, but has never been widely adopted due to
its complexity and fiendishly high cost. Dead technology
- Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)
- This is a system which allows integrated voice/video/data
networks, currently at bit rates between 25Mbps and 625Mbps,
with the most common version running at 155Mbps. Complex and
expensive, but becoming very popular for "campus-wide" networks
-- eg, La Trobe's microwave network is actually an ATM LAN.
- Gigabit Ethernet
- A variation which is compatible with 10 and 100 Mbps Ethernet,
but runs at 1000Mbps. Still very expensive
(original version only ran over fibre, for example) but will
become the dominant LAN technology this decade.
- Note: we have not covered token
ring LANs in this lecture. Maybe see the assignment topics
if interested.
The tutorial for this lecture is
Tutorial #14.
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Copyright © 2005 by
Philip Scott,
La Trobe University.