Subjects ->
Computer Networks ->
Lectures ->
Tute #14
INT21CN Computer Networks
Tutorial #14
- What does CSMA/CD mean? CSMA/CD is sometimes referred to as the
"polite dinner table" algorithm? Can you think of a reason for
- Traditional Ethernet/802.3 is a shared medium,
multi-access network technology.
- What do each of these terms mean?
- Does this pose any potential security risks? Explain. What about
a modern network based on a switching hub?
- What is interesting about the Ethernet/802.3 "MAC address"?
- In the lecture, it was stated that an Ethernet/802.3 collision
occurs when two stations start to transmit at the same time.
Discuss the significance of the phrase at the same time
as used in this context.
- The 10baseT configuration has captured the Ethernet market from
thin wire. Discuss reasons why network planners and managers might
prefer this technology. There are lots of reasons.
- Switching Hubs build a table which maps
destination MAC addresses to physical interface port numbers. How
do they build this table?
- An IP packet is "encapsulated" into an Ethernet frame for delivery
within the network. How will this encapsulation differ in the case
where the packet is sent to a router for "Internet Delivery",
compared to IP "local delivery"?
- In the lecture, it was stated that the
key difference between Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 LANs is the meaning
of the 16 bit "type" field (used as a "length" field in 802.3). In
many LANS, Ethernet and 802.3 frames co-exist perfectly happily.
How can a receiving station know whether to treat the field as a
length or as a type?
- Assume[1] a one megabyte file must be
transferred across a network. Ignoring delays caused by waiting
for access and other overhead (ie, counting only the data
transferred), how long would it take to send the file across an
Ethernet? Across a Fast Ethernet?
- The ARP protocol maps IP addresses to MAC
addresses. Can you think of an alternative approach to providing
these mappings? Why is ARP better?
- What would you expect the destination MAC address to be in an ARP
- Engineering research question[2]: A
shared-medium (non-switched) Ethernet is generally regarded as
heavily loaded (approaching overloaded, in fact) if the network
utilisation goes over (approximately) 20%. This, on the face of it,
seems a low value. What do you think is going on?
- Opinion question: ATM is probably the dominant
high-speed networking technology at present. What do you think is
the particular attraction of ATM networks over other high-speed
technologies, on the basis of the (minimal) material presented in the
- Serious Research question #1:In the lecture, it was mentioned that
Gigabit Ethernet is compatible with 10/100Mbps
Ethernet. What does this mean? It's OK to guess...
- Serious Research question #2: What is the historical origin of the
difference between the frame formats of Ethernet and IEEE 802.3?
[1] From
Computer Networks and Internets 2/e P91 (paraphrased).
[2] You are not expected to understand
These tutorial exercises accompany
Lecture #14.
See Prac #14 for the practical exercises
accompanying this tutorial.
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Copyright © 2005 by
Philip Scott,
La Trobe University.