Computer Networks

Practical exercises #17

  1. If you're on the Bendigo campus, do a traceroute from one of the department's Unix systems to a host outside La Trobe University. Also try a traceroute to La Trobe's Web proxy, Which router do you think is the one which blocks ougoing TCP port connections to port 80 ? This may need some thought!

  2. Many businesses with Internet connections use any or all of circuit-level gateways, application gateways and packet filtering firewalls. Can you discover any? If you're outside La Trobe University, can you discover if your connection to the Internet has any firewall characteristics? NB: It is regarded as extremely rude to attempt to establish connections to systems where they are obviously not wanted. Use lots of caution!

  3. Look up some firewall-related web sites.

This set of practical exercises accompanies Tutorial #17.
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