BITCNE: Computer Networks Tutorials

These tutorials are normally updated every year. Bendigo-based students: check that the tutorial you are interested in has been updated for your year of study: this will be indicated below. Students taking the subject in the January 2000 semester at Nilai College should refer to the 1999 tutorial exercises.

Note that tutorials are always numerically one less than the corresponding lecture so that, for example, Tutorial #3 is the tutorial sheet for Lecture #4.

  1. Tutorial #1: Network Architecture Intro
  2. Tutorial #2: The TCP Protocol
  3. Tutorial #3: Applications #1 -- Telnet
  4. Tutorial #4: Application Protocols #2 -- Email
  5. Tutorial #5: Application Protocols #3.1 -- HTML
  6. Tutorial #6: Application Protocols #3.2 -- HTTP
  7. Tutorial #7: Programming Interface (sockets, etc)
  8. Tutorial #8: Introduction to IP
  9. Tutorial #9: IP Networks
  10. Tutorial #10: Domain Name System
  11. Tutorial #11: Network Technology #1 -- Multiaccess Networks
  12. Tutorial #12: Network Technology #2 -- Point-to-Point Data Links
  13. Tutorial #13: Telecommunications Services
  14. Tutorial #14: ASN.1
  15. Tutorial #15: Network Management #1
  16. Tutorial #16: Network Management #2
  17. Tutorial #17: Network Security
  18. Tutorial #18: Introduction to Encryption
  19. Tutorial #19: Encryption #2 - Public Key Cryptography, Authentication, etc.
  20. Tutorial #20: Electronic Commerce #1 - EDI
  21. Tutorial #21: Electronic Commerce #2 -- FORMS and CGI
  22. Tutorial #22: Electronic Commerce #3 -- Web Commerce
  23. Tutorial #23: Electronic Commerce #4 -- Advanced Topics

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