Computer Networks

Tutorial #11

  1. What does CSMA/CD mean? CSMA/CD is sometimes referred to as the "polite dinner table" algorithm? Can you think of a reason for this?

  2. Ethernet/802.3 is a shared medium LAN technology.
    1. What does this mean?
    2. Does this pose any potential security risks? Explain. What about a network based on a switching hub?

  3. What is interesting about the Ethernet/802.3 "MAC address"?

  4. In the lecture, it was stated that an Ethernet/802.3 collision occurs when two stations start to transmit at the same time. Discuss the meaning of the term at the same time as used in this context.

  5. The 10baseT configuration has captured the Ethernet market from thin wire. Discuss reasons why network planners and managers might prefer this technology.

  6. Switching Hubs build a table which maps destination MAC addresses to port numbers. How do they build this table?

  7. In slide 6 of today's lecture, it is stated that the key difference between Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 LANs is the meaning of the 16 bit "type" field (used as a "length" field in 802.3). In many LANS, Ethernet and 802.3 frames co-exist perfectly happily. How can a receiving station know whether to treat the field as a length or as a type?

  8. Assume[1] a one megabyte file must be transferred across a network. Ignoring delays caused by waiting for access and other overhead (ie, counting only the data transferred), how long would it take to send the file across an Ethernet? Across a Fast Ethernet?

  9. Research question: What is the historical origin of the difference between Ethernet and IEEE 802.3?

  10. Research question: It's not required knowledge for this subject, but you might care to investigate the Internet Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), which provides a mapping between the IP address of a host and its MAC address -- this is obviously needed to enable "local delivery" of a datagram.

  11. Engineering research question[2]: A shared medium (non-switched) Ethernet is generally regarded as heavily loaded (approaching overloaded, in fact) if the network utilisation goes over (approximately) 20%. This, on the face of it, seems a low value. What do you think is going on?

  12. Opinion question: ATM is probably the dominant high-speed networking technology at present. What do you think is the particular attraction of ATM networks over other high-speed technologies, on the basis of the material presented in the lecture?

[1] From Comer, Computer Networks and Internets 2/e P91 (paraphrased).
[2] You are not expected to understand this.

See Prac #11 for the practical exercises accompanying this tutorial.
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