Computer Networks

Practical exercises #17

  1. If you're taking this subject on the Bendigo campus, use tkined on the Unix systems to discover routes to selected Internet hosts and display the network map. Investigate some of the (very powerful and fully industrial strength) functions available in tkined. If you're not on the Bendigo campus, you can still use tkined, since it's freely downloadable from its "home" site, as well as various mirrors.

  2. As before, if you're taking this subject on the Bendigo campus try using the SNMP command-line utilities discussed in the lecture, such as snmpget, snmpgetnext, snmpwalk, etc. Try fetching the MIB variable system.sysDescr.0 from various departmental systems, and thus learn which are running SNMP.

  3. One of the current Big New Things is the integration of SNMP, and network management in general, with the WWW. You can see an excellent example of this at the URL Have a look -- it's accessable from both within and outside the campus. Of particular interest is the ATM (microwave) link between Bendigo and Bundoora!

This set of practical exercises accompanies Tutorial #17.
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