The following string of bits is ciphertext which has been
encrypted using a Vernam cipher. The key which must
be used for decryption is also shown. Use your cryptographic
knowledge to crack the code and discover the plaintext
message. Some (possibly useful) ASCII codes are given
below to convert the resulting plaintext bit string into
English text.
Ciphertext: 0001010 0001001 0000010
Key: 1001011 1000101 1000111
Some useful ASCII character codes:
A: 1000001 B: 1000010 C: 1000011 D: 1000100 E: 1000101
F: 1000110 G: 1000111 H: 1001000 I: 1001001 J: 1001010
K: 1001011 L: 1001100 M: 1001101 N: 1001110 O: 1001111