BITCNE: Computer Networks Tutorial Sheets.

Note that tutorials are always numerically one less than the corresponding lecture so that, for example, Tutorial #3 is the tutorial sheet for Lecture #4.

  1. Tutorial #1: Network Architecture Intro
  2. Tutorial #2: The TCP Protocol
  3. Tutorial #3: Application Protocols #1
  4. Tutorial #4: Application Protocols #2
  5. Tutorial #5: Application Protocols #3
  6. Tutorial #6: Programming Interface (Sockets)
  7. Tutorial #7: The IP Protocol
  8. Tutorial #8: Domain Name System
  9. Tutorial #9: Point to Point Data Links
  10. Tutorial #10: Multi-access Networks
  11. Tutorial #11: Telecommunications Services #1
  12. Tutorial #12: Telecommunications Services #2
  13. Tutorial #13: ASN.1 and BER Introduction
  14. Tutorial #14: Network Management #1
  15. Tutorial #15: Network Management #2
  16. Tutorial #16: Network Security #1
  17. Tutorial #17: Network Security #2
  18. Tutorial #18: Electronic Commerce
  19. Tutorial #19: Forms, CGI, Client/Server and Intranets
  20. Tutorial #20: Java, Network Computers and Multimedia

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Phil Scott