INT21CN: Computer Networks Late Breaking News

Note: most recent messages appear first on this page.

10th May 2004, 12noon: Assignment 3 Available

Assignent 3 is now available.

3rd May 2004, 9am: Re-arrangement of Lecture Schedule

Due to the impending absence overseas of subject lecturer Phil Scott, some re-arrangement of the lecture schedule will occur over the next two weeks, starting 3rd May. The lecture on 3rd of May will be the one originally scheduled as lecture 20, and will be taken by Phil. The next three lectures (5th, 10th and 12th May) will be taken by Peter Goddard, and will be those originally scheduled as lecture 16, lecture 17 and lecture 18.

22nd April 2004, 10am

In case anyone hasn't noticed the signs around the campus, Monday 26th April is a public holiday in lieu of Anzac Day. This means that the university will be closed, hence no Monday lecture that day. Consequently the Tuesday tutorials for 27th May will also be cancelled.

20 March 10am: Tutorial Cancellation Cancelled :-)

The proposed deletion of one of the Tuesday tutorial groups is not happening -- there are sufficent students in every group who can't attend at any other time. You may continue to attend your normal Tuesday tutorial for the rest of the semester. However, the duplicated (concurrent? simultaneous?) Thursday 3pm class has been collapsed into a single tutorial in room B2.30. If you were registered to attend the Thursday 3pm tute in B2.05, you simply need to change to room B2.30.

10th March 2004, 12.15pm

Due to somewhat lower-than-expected enrolments in the subject, we are almost certainly going to lose a tute from each of the Tuesday and Wednesday/Thursday groups. At the moment, the least popular times are 10am on Tuesday and the second duplicated Thursday 3pm class. This is not confirmed as yet, and will be discussed in Monday's 5pm lecture.

3rd March 2004, 10.00m:

Tutorial Registration

Online tutorial registration is NOW AVAILABLE. Registration is first-come, first served, so if you have preferred tutes you should register as soon as possible.

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