INT21CN: Computer Networks Late Breaking News

Note: most recent messages appear first on this page.

4th June 2003, 10.17am:

Assignment 2 is now marked and can be collected from the office.

13th May 2003, 11.10am:

Assignment 3 is now available.

8th April 2003, 11.30am:

Assignment 2 is now available.

8th April 2003, 9.13am:

As mentioned in last evening's lecture -- there is a new tutorial available to ease the load on the existing Tuesday 12noon tute. The new time/place is Tuesday 1pm, OED1.04 (Outdoor Education building). If you're currently attending the overcrowded 12noon tute, you may choose to attend this new session instead. Any other students who find the new time more convenient can also attend. As a consequence, the 12noon tute in AS2 3.21 is now cancelled. The 12noon tute in B1.38 continues.

26th March 2003, 9.30am:

Special notice to students booked in the 4pm Wednesday Tute -- this tute has been cancelled due to a tutor clash and replaced by a new tute at 11am Wednesday, in Education room 3.25. You should all receive an email notifying you of this change. You do not have to move to the 11am tute, but can attend any other tute that suits your timetable -- obviously it would be great if 11am suited you all, but that's not likely... Other students who wish to change to the 11am tute should email the lecturer.

24th March 2003, 12.30pm:

Assignment 1 is now available.

2nd March 2003. 9am:

Check your timetable!! The official timetable may have changed. Note that the first lecture for Computer Networks is definitely on at 5pm today, Monday 2nd March. On-line tute registration will be enabled as soon as the timetable is stable.

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