This subject is offered in conventional classroom mode at the
Bendigo campus of La Trobe University, and this lecture
concentrates on this offering. It is also offered at Nilai College
in Malaysia and at ACN in Sydney. Locally appropriate introductory
lectures will be presented at those sessions.
When are the lectures?
Monday at 5pm, two hour slot.
Can the lecture times be changed?
What happens with tutes?
Tutorials are held in three groups: the Tuesday group and
Wednesday day-class groups, and the Monday evening night-class
group (7pm Monday, following the lecture). You must register for
the tutorials of your choice using our On-line Tute Registration
System. Please use this facility, and report any problems which
you may have with it. You need to know your LTU, Bendigo
Unix/Windoze login name and your student
number for authentication using this system, but
NOT your StudentOnLine password.
In addition to the tutorials, a set of practical
exercises will (may?) be available as a link from the
bottom of each tutorial worksheet. You may wish to work through
these in your own time -- class/laboratory time is not
allocated for this purpose. These exercises are designed to
enhance your learning in Computer Networks, and may be of
particular value to any "operational" learners in the class.