Subject Coordinator (and lecturer/tutor at Bendigo
Phil Scott. I will normally be in my office during working
hours. My office phone number is 5444 7277. See also, electronic mail. We may have the assistance of another
tutor for some of the classes, see later.
Textbooks and references
In particular, how come there's no text book? What should we do
in relation to buying a book? Are there other sources of
information for this subject? These issues will be discussed in the
lecture, and in the subject
Comes in two parts:
The Exam -- 2.5 hours, 60%
Three assignments, 5%, 15% and 20% (in Nilai, these may be
replaced by a series of class tests). In particular, watch for the
first assignment, which happens pretty early in the semester.
Please ensure that mobile phones are switched off or otherwise
silenced in lectures and tutorials.
Please do not conduct private conversations in the lectures --
it's really annoying to others in the room. Attendance is not
compulsory for most Bendigo students, so if you wish to chat to
friends, do so elsewhere.