Computer Networks Overview

This subject is composed of two halves[1]:

In lecture #2, we saw a layered network architecture model which provided the conceptual framework for the first part of the subject.

We will briefly extend this model by looking at the OSI Reference Model.

[1] Actually, the split was closer to 2/3 for the first part and 1/3 for the second.

What is OSI?

...and why should I know about it?

The Classic OSI Reference Model Diagram

The Open Systems Interconnection Reference Model (OSIRM) specifies a 7 layer architecture for Computer Networking.


Classic OSI
    7-layer model
The conceptual intention here is that each the software which implements each layer communicates with its Peer Layer software, using services provided by the lower layers.

The software and protocols which implement a layer are called entities in OSIRM.

The diagram is sometimes called (rather disrespectfully) the 7-layer-cake model.

OSI Layer Definitions

the actual "bit path" between two directly-connected communicating "entities". Hardware.
Data Link
Framing and media access control protocols. It's quite useful to have this separate layer.
Equivalent to IP, the Internet Protocol. The OSI model actually defined a very similar protocol to IP, called CLNS.
Pretty much exactly equivalent to the transport layer in the Internet. The OSI protocol TP4 was functionally equivalent to TCP.
no real equivalent in the Internet architecture, this layer was supposed to schedule connections, etc, subject to cost or other constraints.
the functions of this layer are integrated into the application layer in the Internet. Mainly provides data formatting services. ASN.1 was part of this layer.
Very similar in function to the Internet application "layer", although the OSI application protocols were, in general, vastly more complex.

Why Did OSI Fail?

The development of OSI was a huge project, spanning close to 20 years. Yet it failed, and the Internet is now dominant. Why?

The Exam Plan

Question 1: Application Protocols
This question is worth 30 marks (out of 120 total) and covers material in lectures 4, 5, 6 and 7.

Question 2: Network and Transport Protocols
This question (and all subsequent) is worth 18 marks and covers material in lectures 3, 9, 10 and 11.

Question 3: Network Technologies
Covers material in lectures 12, 13 and 14. 18 marks.

Question 4: Network Management
Covers material in lectures 15, 16 and 17. 18 marks.

Question 5: Security
Covers material in lectures 18, 19 and 20. 18 marks.

Question 6: Electronic Commerce
Covers material in lectures 21, 22, 23 and 24. 18 marks.

More Information

The following lectures are not explicitly examined:

Lecture 1: Computer Networks Overview

Lecture 2: A Network Architecture Example

Lecture 8: The Programming Interface (all that sockets stuff, etc)

If You Enjoyed It...

Finally, the advertising.

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